Monday, June 8, 2009

I wanted to write about you long time ago.

I first meet you in Public Speaking class in our foundation, You have to make a introduction about yourself in our lecture class. I look at you, seriously I find you very famliar, like I know you before.

Both of our class had the smallest amount of people add up all together is only 20+. So, we had our group presentation together, that is where we got to know each other from the begining. The presentation bring all of us close together, knowing each other and also getting close. Ever since then only I know where you stay, suprisingly get to know that we have been in the same class when we are at standard 2 and yet we have never know each other.

During our semester 2, you had being so kind to bring me along back from uni, providing me transport and place to stay before my mother come to bring me back. Hehe. Some times you even provide my dinner with your family. Our friendship had been closer then.

Sem 3, I first time driving to uni. You sat beside me and be my first passanger. Although is not the first time driving, but I had never like the roundabout that I need to go through every morning, that make me never like to drive to PJ. I love to eat, and you spend the time eating with me, and we become fat together(i think), sometimes we even get scolding from your mother for being back late cause we went to eat as we was hungry.

When we go out together, or maybe sometimes there is a function or outing that I would like to go but not going alone, you will also tag along with me although after that you get the scolding. Deep down in my heart I remember, sometimes when I am in a very bad mood you will make jokes and funny faces to make me laugh, sometimes you even just let me tell you, be a listener. Then tell me my mistake after that. And the funniest is I always meeet a acciddent whenever you are not in the car. So called the safety driver when you are next to me to prevent you vomit in my car.

Though we might not be the closest friend to each other, but we can relay on each other any time any where. Hehe. (i think I relay on you more)

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

haiz... can't on9 at home. Line not working... So poor thing