Monday, February 7, 2011

my father

Well.. After so long, finally I feel like posting something. This time is my father instead. I really don't know how to express myself or even should say my love to my father. Therefore I choose to write it here even I know he might not see it.

My father, he is the great father I had. I won't say he is the greatest as I only have the one and only one father in this life. And I appreciate to have a father like him. I don't feel it when my mother is still around as most of our problem is my mother being the middle person because that is to be mention that me and my father had a total same attitude or even behaviour(like father like daughter). So, instead of talking we getting into a arguement even faster.

I got to say that only after my mother is not around,we learn how to communicate. Communicate that which problem occur and how to solve it,and this commnication leads to a further understanding on how much my father can love us and do things for us. I finally see the love that my father had been always giving. That why people always says that when the things is too near to you you tend to not see it.

My father had took over the duties of both parent,bring us up in the way he thinks that it will be good for us. He had even love us more and more each day trying to keep us happy and healthy. He is already so old but yet still worrying for us each day no matter in our health or studies. Nowadays he wakes up earlier in the morning to make sure my sister get some food before she goes to school. Everyday he sleep like so late and yet wake up early in the morning. I seriously wonder sometimes how can I actually help him? I think maybe the best way is to do my work properly.

Just like on the first day of CNY last year, I ended up in the hospital while my father actually asked and asked the nurse whether is it ok that he stay back? For the day in the hospital, my father was all the way accompanying me. And when the first day of CNY this year, my stomach hurts and pain my father had been with me trying his best to help me. I think I really give him a scare or maybe heart attack.

Towards us, he is always generous. As long as the things we need it he will get it for us no matter how much is the things or how much hardwork he need to do. He gives whatever he think is good or needed by us.

This morning, I rush back to Kampar for class and he wake up at 5 sum thing just to make me a breakfast so that my stomach wont pain for hungry. How great can a father be?

I don't know how can I still express my gratefulness to my dearest father. But dad, i love u..