Friday, April 18, 2008

Real life and Shows

Sometimes in the story or movie you always get a good ending compared to real life. In real life there is no love in the first sight there is no fallling in love with each other but when it come to movie or series show it always comes into good ending. Now i m watching a series show, they kissed again, i really love the show. I think is every girl hope to get some one like that. Live happily ever after, love each other so much, solving all the misunderstand, love can win every problem. I very jerlous. I really feel this is the way to solve love and friendship or may be relationship between family. I do hope i can be so innocent like the main actress. But believe it you never get to be like that in real life because of all type of fact that you have to face.

1 comment:

- _ - Brian - _ - BrotherBear - _ - BrotherHusky - _ - said...

well ther are casses where love at first side does happen...

i gt a friend who found love at 1st sight, u noe da situation de lar i think...

Its not impossible, just rare...
Love blossoms over time and usually it starts with just a one way love...

Anyway, i hope me remember bring u da genting money tomorow hehe~~

And i think i've guessed who is da person from TA dat u like~~~~