Sunday, August 24, 2008

childlish and no sense..

I didn't know that now the parent can be so unreasonable as though as they are so big... Hey hello, you might be good in taking care of people but when it come to a class without the teacher sorry lo you are not that experience. My teacher leave it to me to train their dancing step then you should interrupt in all the time. You are a parent not a leader.
When I was busy, you come find me and say , I want the pianist number. I say wait. Didn't I? you shouted back to me and say NO, Now! Before I could answer you you already turn away and go get my phone. The worst thing you can even do is to shout at the children demanding for a phone which is only 8 years old. My sister get the phone from the girl and give you the number. What is so wrong about waiting for a while??
My dad was there, he come to talk to you and you show faces too. My dad ask her how can you touch my daughter's phone without permission? Her face turn. She started arguing with my dad and after that run to me and say I m a liar... what did I tell my dad? O please, what you want me to answer you? You have the intention to touch my phone if not you won't be shouting?
Any way she send sms every where to inform some parents. I m leaving t go practice now? Don't know what will happen man..? haiz...

Friday, August 8, 2008


I didn't do any thing well nowadays. I seriously do not know why. My exam worse till can not see, my assignment is also like a shit. I make every body suffer for nothing. My emotional harder to control compare to last time, I can go emo suddenly or even can laugh like shit for nothing in a sudden. Weird right??? Hahaahahah.... Even i think all my friends have problem with me, friendship problem tends to happen between me and my friends and seriously it affect me a lots. I think all friends that can be close to me must be very patient and wiling to understand me if not i think i will be very tired for not being my self. Hahahaha...

I feel thankful for some of my dear and darling as although they think that I m not good they accept in a nice way but thanks to them for being so understanding. One of my friend even told me "su hsiang, I rather tell it in front of you that I don't like the way you act" I agreee with her. I think I still need time to digest may be for a few days, but the feel won't be so hurt as I know that she is doing it for my good. Yes true I might not be happy but please do tell me as by doing that only I will know you don't like it but when people keep from me, I seriously can't help you!!!

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Wei Yen, Nok Ling, Sze Teng and Sheng Wang

For business assignment I am seriously very sorry!!! Because of my delay that cause us to score low and cause our presentation not to be organized at all that brings us the worst presentation that we could ever had!!!

NO matter what is my reason I would not say that I am not wrong because it is my duty to bring you all to present properly.


Tuesday, August 5, 2008

I did, I do and I will

If I never had met you, I wouldn't liked you. If I didn't like you, I will not love you. If I didn't love you, I wouldn't miss you....
But I DID, I DO and I WILL

Monday, August 4, 2008


I never had regret what I chase for? I clearly know what I want in a relationship and as long as I think is right I will start doing without bothering what is coming out next, or even what will happen in the end is not something I will bother at that moment. I will do what ever that appear in my heart, because in what I think to be able to work following the heart is very important. In what I think, i won't regret at the end of the day for not doing something that I wanted but move back because I think what will happening next that I might lose something. NO... I think that I will do what I think no matter is right or wrong because I won't want myself to regret after that.