Friday, August 8, 2008


I didn't do any thing well nowadays. I seriously do not know why. My exam worse till can not see, my assignment is also like a shit. I make every body suffer for nothing. My emotional harder to control compare to last time, I can go emo suddenly or even can laugh like shit for nothing in a sudden. Weird right??? Hahaahahah.... Even i think all my friends have problem with me, friendship problem tends to happen between me and my friends and seriously it affect me a lots. I think all friends that can be close to me must be very patient and wiling to understand me if not i think i will be very tired for not being my self. Hahahaha...

I feel thankful for some of my dear and darling as although they think that I m not good they accept in a nice way but thanks to them for being so understanding. One of my friend even told me "su hsiang, I rather tell it in front of you that I don't like the way you act" I agreee with her. I think I still need time to digest may be for a few days, but the feel won't be so hurt as I know that she is doing it for my good. Yes true I might not be happy but please do tell me as by doing that only I will know you don't like it but when people keep from me, I seriously can't help you!!!

1 comment:

Fishie said...

ah nmui, wats wrong oh??