Friday, September 12, 2008

friends and best friends

Friend: calls your parents by mr. and mrs.
Best friend: calls your parents dad and mom.

Friend: has never seen you cry
Best Friend: has always had the best shoulder to cry on

Friend: never asks for anything to eat or drink
Best friend: opens the fridge and makes herself at home

Friend: asks you to write down your number.
Best friend : they ask you for their number ( cuz they can't remember it)

Friend: borrows your stuff for a few days then gives it back
Best friend: has a closet full of your stuff

Friend: only knows a few things about you
Best friend: could write a biography on your life

Friend: will leave you behind if that is what the crowd is doing
Best friend: will always go with you

You know who you are right??

Friends Forever!


True a not?? IS up to you to judge... Please tell me how am i?? ok?? thanks...

他们与红酒,水晶杯,晚礼服,钢琴曲是那么的相得益彰,漫不经意的吸引着公众的眼光…… 几乎所有人都有这样一种印象: 天平座的人善意、可亲,爱交朋友。于是大家也由此认为天平是群居生物,必然是害怕独处,喜欢热闹的。 但,事实并不是表面看来那样简单。

的确,天平是个和平使者。在公众场合可以很好地调节气氛使之均衡。气氛热烈时,他们会沉静的压住阵脚;气氛冷凝时,他们会运用不着痕迹的轻松幽默化解坚冰。总之他们不会随波逐流去助长气氛的冷热,而是像用天平称量物品一样,加减砝码,使之维持水平状态。 而他们在做这种加减的时候,动作是优雅的,态度是和悦的,看起来漫不经心不动声色。实际上,他们是很有心计的人,尽管众口难调,也可以找到一种万全的方式来使全局和谐起来。 但是这并不是说他们喜欢主宰,只是因为他们看不得失衡,那会使他们如坐针毡。

因此,尽管慵懒的天平座讨厌麻烦,讨厌得要命,他们还是会不由自主地担负起调节的责任。也许正因如此,使得天平在公众场合从未放松过自己。性格使他们承担了不必要的责任,无可推卸。 他们不吝惜金钱,却吝惜自由的时间和安静的休闲时光。像所有风向星座一样,他们喜欢自由,喜欢像风一样谁也捉不住他。 他们喜欢自在独立的空间。就算你是他最好的朋友,也不要老和他粘在一起,你要知道他并不喜欢如此,尽管他不会直接说出来。你也得相信,你的天平座朋友也许半年也没有音信,但是只要一见面,你还是他最好的朋友。因为他就是这种交友方式,你拿他怎么办?

'我懒得……' 这是天平座的口头语。他们懒得出门,懒得聚会,懒得应酬……所以他们并不是很喜欢参加party。倒是宁愿呆在家里上网,看书,画画。他们自身是均衡的,一个人的均衡总比一群人的均衡来的容易。所以他们喜欢独处。



他们控制情绪的能力太强了。最亲近的人会感觉到,天平给人不露声色的隔离感,有时会被埋怨'太冷静了,我都不知道你在想什么!' 可是他们不是故意要隐瞒什么,只是出于本能。一个连自己都骗过了的人,你还能要求他对你坦白什么? 他们不喜欢歇斯底里,不喜欢痛哭失声,不喜欢安慰别人也不怎么喜欢被安慰。因为他们懂得,谁也无法真正理解另一个人。 天平,其实是很独立的一个星座。他们在霓虹灯影里微笑,在灯火阑珊处寂寞。他们叫你懂得:孤独的最高境界是繁华。

Thursday, September 11, 2008

I miss you

I miss you
from the bottom of my heart
do you still remember
how much fun
we have together

I miss you
from the bottom of myheart
do you still remember
how many thing
we did together

I miss you
from the bottom of myheart
do you still remember
how many place
we go together

I miss you
from the bottom of myheart
do you still remember
how many thing
we did together

I miss you
from the bottom of myheart
do you still remember
how many memory
we have together

I miss you
from the bottom of myheart
do you still remember
how many promise
you made??

I miss you
from the bottom of myheart
do you still remember
who m I??

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Tag by someone

1. The rules of the game get posted at the beginning.
2. Each player answers the questions about themselves.
3. At the end of the post the player then tags 5 people and posts their names, then goes to their blogs and leaves a comment, letting them know they got tagged and to ask them to play and read your blog.

Starting time: 0645p.m.
Name: Joy
Sister: Happy
Brother: I have two cat bro
Shoe size: around 4 i think
Height: 149
Where do you live: obviously in .........
Favourite drinks: Water.
Favourite breakfast: Food

Have you ever...
been on a plane :I m always there
swam in the ocean :i will die there man
fallen asleep in school :Yes. ALL the time.
broken someone's heart :Yes.
fell off your chair :Yes. No. Wait. Mentally or Physically?
sat by the phone all night waiting for someone to call : no. you dun call good night!!!
If not i CAll n scold
saved e-mails :Yes.
saved sms :Yes.

What is your room like?
Pink and cozy. My heaven.
What's right beside you?Air? Erm.. A fish
What is the last thing you ate?Food.

Ever had...
chicken pox :No.
sore throat :Yes.
got stitches :Yup. Nice tatoo
Do you...believe in love at first sight?YUP
Like picnics?OMG...
Who was the last danced with?A handsome "gal"
who made you smile?YOu la
you last yelled at?ERRRRR... YOu la

Today did you...
talk to someone you like? Dun have one at the moment
Like as in have a crush? ............
Like as in friends? ..............
kiss anyone? Kiss you a? can... 100 years later
talk to an ex? Obvioualy yes la...
Best feeling in the world? When I see something funny
Who do you really hate? any body
What time is it now? 0654 pm

Q: Is there a person who is on your mind right now?
A: Yes. you
Q: Do you have any siblings?
A: Yes. a lots man
Q: Do you want children?
A: wat are you askin for??
Q: Do you smile often?
A: only when i want
Q: Do you like your hand-writing?
A: Sometimes, Yes. I like someone else better
Q: Are your toenails painted?
A: No.
Q: Whose bed other than yours would you rather sleep in?
A: Er.. in the sky
Q: What colour shirt are you wearing?
A : pink i guess... colour blind la...
Q: What were you doing at 7:00pm yesterday?
A: How the hell i rememeber?! have fun with fish
Q: I can't wait till...
A : It happens.
Q: When did you cry last?
A : That day. you will know
Q: Are you a friendly person?
A: i don't towards you
Q: Do you have any pets?
A: tonnes
Q: Where is the person you have feelings for right now?
A: I am not a inspector
Q: Did the last person you held hands with mean anything to you now?
A: yes... all my deareast
Q: Do you sleep with the TV on?
A: heloo... dont waste electricity please
Q: What are you doing right now?
A: answering you la... NUT!!!
Q: Have you ever crawled through a window?
A: heloo... I am not a thief
Q: Can you handle the truth?
A: how the hell i know what you talking about??
Q: Who was the last person you cried in front of?
A: Cant remember la... Thank to you I stop
Q: How many people can you say you've really loved?
A: Quite a number. Alot actually
Q: Do you eat healthy?
A: nope.
Q: Do you still have pictures of you and your ex?
A: still think so...
Q: Have you ever cried because of something someone said to you?
A: Yes.
Q: How often do you go to church?
A: during christmas la...
Q: When you're having a bad day, who are you most likely to go to?
A: the fish
Q: Are you loud or quiet most of the time?
A: I m fierce... helooo
Q: Are you confident?
A: Sometimes.
Q: Do an impromptu?
A: unless something happen

5 things I was doing 10 years ago
STUPID question

5 things on my to-do list today
missing you
making you irrating
watching movie

5 snack i enjoy:

5 things I would do if I were a billionaire:
stupid thing
nothing better to do

Repeatations5 jobs I've had:
being a friend

