Thursday, September 11, 2008

I miss you

I miss you
from the bottom of my heart
do you still remember
how much fun
we have together

I miss you
from the bottom of myheart
do you still remember
how many thing
we did together

I miss you
from the bottom of myheart
do you still remember
how many place
we go together

I miss you
from the bottom of myheart
do you still remember
how many thing
we did together

I miss you
from the bottom of myheart
do you still remember
how many memory
we have together

I miss you
from the bottom of myheart
do you still remember
how many promise
you made??

I miss you
from the bottom of myheart
do you still remember
who m I??


Wei Yen said...

miss me r?

hsiang said...

er... you are always in my heart!!! muax

Wei Yen said...

oo so not me la
ok lor

hsiang said...

is talking bout all of us la... just saying missing feeling to the everyone.. including YOU!!!