Friday, January 29, 2010

Tried hard

You had tried hard
to find someone to love you
are you happy or not?

You had tried hard
to find someone that you love
are you happy or not?

You had tried hard
to keep a relationship
is it worthy a not?

You had tried hard
to keep someone by your side
is it worthy a not?

You had tried hard
to not be your true self
don't you feel tired?

You had tried hard
to not hurt yourself
don't you feel tired?

Wednesday, January 27, 2010


我好爱他 但是这是一个不能说的秘密。。
为了他 我已经改了很多
为了他 我已越来越来 不像自己
迷失了 自己。。
只想找个人来陪我 疼疼我

他认识的我 是个坚强的人, 根本不用人的呵护。。
我的性格已是如此, 他所喜欢的,
以为时间会可以拉近我们的距离, 但是没有想到我们竟然是来自不同星球的人, 是永远都到不到的。

从来没有想过, 我的努力竟然不战而败。。
他说现在的他, 不想谈恋爱。。
可是缘来了 想不谈都难。。

可能 我不适合他
可能 我们没有缘
可能 他根本 没有想过我吧!!!

在他的身边, 我连一个女的
坚强到 根本不用到他吧!!
但是他没发现的是 我对他的依赖
已经太多 太多了。。
多到我甚至 怀疑
没有了他的我 该如何下去??

他对我的好 让我无法自己地依赖着他
他的好或许 不是有心的
但是偏偏 是最执命 的毒药。。。

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Back from MIA (to be continue)

I spend time reading all my post last time that I started writing during foundation until now..Although I don't write often now, but memory will always be with us.. So blogging will just help you to recall how much thing that happen during the year though I not writing about daily life.

I personally like to write about the feeling of being alone and being together with the person or thinking of someone though it might not be me or may be happen sum times ago.. For example, I notice I write a lots about my first love. I think as my closer friend they always listen to lame story. It might be lame but then those are all something that is the process fo making you grew, to be more mature, to be a better person.

May be because the first love really give me a lot of memory and sorrow that make me someone today. I will continue my love story here. Well... I hope if you do read my blog please bear with me.. Hehe...

For this yeaar....

I hope..

I can pass with flying color

Find the right one and remain

Friends remain as long as possible