Thursday, May 29, 2008

My best buddy, the queen

Friends, are not always the same seriously. By not studying together and a different enviroment will really affect the person to change till become a person you don't know? But this is only for half a year..not years we haven't been meeting. How can she change to be some one i really don't know? Where is my best buddy?

We know each other by badminton, same school but have never meet till we start joining the badminton club. She is a very nice person, very cute, innocent, understanding. We are so good till we can read each other mind without telling a single word...(seriously) She is one of my closer friend compared to others as we really enjoy most of the things together.

This year she study different school from me. We already make many deal that we want to do together and she always put it as the last. No matter how busy m I with my school work I will always attend the date we both set as one month date but she been missing it for at least once in few month time... I really don't know what happen to her. I really miss the old her... Please give me back... Thanks

I m but a small voice

I m but a small voice,
I m but a small dream
The fragrance of a flower
In the unpolluted air.
I m but a small voice
I m but a small dream
To smile upon the sun
But free to dance and sing
Be free to sing my song everywhere

Come your citizen of the world
We are one, we are one
Come your citizen of the world
We are one, we are one.
We have one hope
we have one dream and with one voice we sing
Peace, give us peace
Properity, propeity
And love for all man kind.
Peace, Give us Peace
Properity, properity
And love for all man kind.

I m but a small voice
I m buta small dream
To smile upon the sun
Be free to dance and sing
Be free to sing my song to everyone.


Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Girl want only the guy's heart

When a guy say that he is not a good choice... Honestly is not him to judge but the girl that like him to judge as this will only known by the girl herself... Girl can only tell and feel the guy by the way the guy act... What a girl really want is the guy's true heart but not the look, the way he talk, or even all his bad habit... All it need is a sincere heart from the guy... and the girl will stay with you without any complain... To have a girl to love a guy just only need such a simply think... Why can't just the guy understand? The girl have do much enough to persuade him but y can't it just understand.? Girl will never judge any thing but the heart of the guy.

Monday, May 26, 2008

a whole new world

i can show you the world
shinning, shimmering and spendid
tell me princess , now when did you last
let your heart decide

i can open your eye
take you wonder by wonder
over sideways and under
on a magic carpet ride

a whole new world
a new fantastic point of view
no one to tell us no
or where to go or say we are only dreaming

a whole new world
a dazzling place i never knew
but when i way up here
is crystal clear
that i m in a whole new world wit you

Thursday, May 1, 2008


爱不是占有, 你爱一个人,就要爱他原本的样子- 爱他的好,爱他的坏, 绝不能因为爱他而希望他变成自己希望的样子, 万一他变不成那你就不爱他了吗?真正爱上一个人是无法说出理由的, 你只知道无论何时何地 心情好坏,你希望他在你的身边陪着你。 真正的感情是两个人能在考验中相守。 感情是要付出的, 而不是只想获得。 分开是一种必然的考验, 如果你们的感情不稳固, 那只好认输。 真爱是不会变成恨的。

the moment together

wedding pic...

some kissing scene in "they kiss again"