Thursday, May 1, 2008


爱不是占有, 你爱一个人,就要爱他原本的样子- 爱他的好,爱他的坏, 绝不能因为爱他而希望他变成自己希望的样子, 万一他变不成那你就不爱他了吗?真正爱上一个人是无法说出理由的, 你只知道无论何时何地 心情好坏,你希望他在你的身边陪着你。 真正的感情是两个人能在考验中相守。 感情是要付出的, 而不是只想获得。 分开是一种必然的考验, 如果你们的感情不稳固, 那只好认输。 真爱是不会变成恨的。


- _ - Brian - _ - BrotherBear - _ - BrotherHusky - _ - said...

I can always like u and love u as my sister. But some how I can nvr love u as in a relationship. I want to. But ur heart lies else where. I wont force, i nvr will. Just hope you can continue to be my favorite little sister and not let any other factors stop that.

P.S.: Thx for letting me be around u while we were in Genting.

- _ - Brian - _ - BrotherBear - _ - BrotherHusky - _ - said...
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枫 秋 @ Asahini Youtoba said...

U r absolutely correct, loving is not owning, good word. Well, TY once ask me y i choose KY, so i answered tat i can't say d most fixed answer tat he like 2 hear, n he said, u really r in love. So, i 100% agree wif u...