Thursday, May 29, 2008

My best buddy, the queen

Friends, are not always the same seriously. By not studying together and a different enviroment will really affect the person to change till become a person you don't know? But this is only for half a year..not years we haven't been meeting. How can she change to be some one i really don't know? Where is my best buddy?

We know each other by badminton, same school but have never meet till we start joining the badminton club. She is a very nice person, very cute, innocent, understanding. We are so good till we can read each other mind without telling a single word...(seriously) She is one of my closer friend compared to others as we really enjoy most of the things together.

This year she study different school from me. We already make many deal that we want to do together and she always put it as the last. No matter how busy m I with my school work I will always attend the date we both set as one month date but she been missing it for at least once in few month time... I really don't know what happen to her. I really miss the old her... Please give me back... Thanks

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

link me
