Thursday, April 2, 2009

april fool

I don't remember yesterday was April fool. And great, i was fool by my own sister. smart right??

Yesterday my sister message me and say " Jie, where are you now? We come find you. Come down open the door" And guess what??

I really went down. My house mate was like asking me why are you rushing downstairs?? I answer her, I say my parent don't know why suddenly come find me.

I rush down, open the door. No one was there.

When i come up, my sister was calling me, she say why you never open the door?? I was like.... I went down but you all not there. Then she happily reply me, April fool and start laughing with my cousin sisters who is involve also.

what a interesting april fool. Thanks to my sisters


- _ - Brian - _ - BrotherBear - _ - BrotherHusky - _ - said...

I forgot it was april fools day oso...kena frm teammate...he sms me say wan drop course, ask me assignment sendiri gau dim..2 days more due date... haiz...scare me..

Fishie said...

haha.. my classmates fooled my another classmate till she cry!

hsiang said...

hahahaha... wat to do... is APRIL FOOL...!!!!