Saturday, March 22, 2008

to be continued... the love story ---- 2 ----

I remember that the first day I arrive there about 4 o clock. His father , his sister and he waited for us to show us the best food in town. The very first thing he say to me is I so scare you are not coming after I have told you about what happen between the girl and me. I told him that I don't mind because this time I come to enjoy. Besides I don't have the rights to be angry what as he is not my any body. They went to the camping area first while we are enjoying the meal as they say they need time to settle down and as the sky is going to rain.

He had one older brother and two younger sister. He is the second son in the family. The older brother is studying in Australia and had come back from holiday so I don't really know how was him at first but I would definitely say he is a very stupid person which don't even know the basic skill of living. I also know the two younger sister because we had meet each other for a few times and able to talk happily together. His other sister Sarah is able to communicate with me well is because we have a common topic that is our choir, Operafest. It started raining soon after we had arrive there. His brother and him help us to build up our first tent, but we did the second tent our self. I do think that is more successful and nice compared to the first one we all make together.

It was not raining heavily that night, small rain drops only so we all got to eat in the big tent that can at least ten person can fit in. I have stay in and only come out in my mother's order. We went out to do some bread for our parents. After that me and sister talking outside about him. I guess his soon join me and ask what are we talking about. We lie to him and say that we are saying Tim is my boyfriend. He say he don't believe but then we ask him why he can't answer. Actually I was hoping he will say I Love You. But then I think both of us is also scare to get hurt when we say something. Then I say I hug Tim I never hug you; I talk to him more than I talk to you; I tell him everything but I didn't tell you which make him quiet angry but he seems to believe. After we finish eating we went back to the tent because it was raining.

Wei Wen, Su Wen, Wei Xuan and I, is in the first tent together. The first night, Wei Wen parents is not there yet so we kids stay in one tent. Sara and him come to our tent but he left quiet early after playing a sets of cards, he say he will come back later but I pray for him not to come back. At first we plan to bath but then we don't dare because we meet a scorpion outside our tent. He went to bath at the resort with his brother. When he finish, he comes in to the tent and lay beside me which is actually on top. He ask me to lay on him but then I don't want. After that Wei Xuan want back the pillow to hug.

The next morning, we act like nothing happen, my father and his father wake us up but then we don't want to wake up because it was so cooling. By the time we get ready to go for the shower in the resort is already quiet late. They went up first and then we follow up but the funniest thing was our car tire stuck in the mud. As time pass he can't get the car out from the mud but he get deeper into the mud. At last, my mother and I have to walk out of the resort and ask for help from his family. After telling his dad, we come down because we need to tell my dad first.
After his father come down with him, his dad tried to put the car with his car but its don't seem to get deeper and deeper so we decide to give up and his dad pick us up with his car. I don't know why but I just don't want to sit in the car that he is in so I asked my mother walk out with me as the reason our leg got too much mug. My mother agreed. We went up to take our bath and go out with uncle's car but the car is not big enough so we got to take two round. After eating, we play mahjong in the resort while he and his brother watching movie. Not long later we went down to the camping area to prepare the dinner that we are having that night. That night I went to sleep with my parent because wei wen parent arrive already. That night was Christmas eve so all of them sleep quite late. When dinner is over, a few of us went and sit there.

haven finish... please wait... sorry...

Friday, March 21, 2008


If really loving some one is easy to recover then it is not love already. You wouldn't know how much the girl cried and how pain is her heart. What is other people rights to ask the girl not to hide from them? You also wouldn't know how much effect the girl had put in? And guess what? He like the girl is not you but is your good friend. What will you say? Even if the girl can face that guy then what about the best friend? Can the girl take like nothing happen? The girl don't want people to feel guitly either don't want people to feel pityful. She already have nothing. Can't you feel it? She would rather choose the person she like but then if this is what she gets. SHE WANT TO ACT STRONG AND DON'T WANT TO BE WEAK IN FRONT OF PEOPLE..Especially him. She can say that she love him more then she can say. But then what you want her to do?

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

hurting heart

I notice i feel weird what i need to find my own love.. I like one don't like like me either I m not their type or maybe timing a bit out...

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Love story. - one -

The guy I love so much but he is not even my one day boyfriend....

The story began as we are in the same choir. When we go to Montana, I was a very quite girl. I don't really talk with other people. So may be that is the reason he don't even know me. Don't know since when I was attracted by him and started to pay attention on this bright little guy. He is same age as me, but he has something that i don't have(a sense of joyfulness) He is a very polite guy. I think some of the girl also like him. Although he didn't see me because I m not that preety so my heart don't allow me to tell him. After Montana trip, many of the old member quit so our director got no choice but to train us up. He start to notice me although we still don't know each other well.

2005 is consider the best year I would say. It is can be the bigger improvement among both of us. but then in the end he still can't like me but other girl in the choir. He quit the choir few times when our music director scolded him badly. He comes back at the end. According to him the music director asked him to join back but then to his dad is I asked him to go back. Gods know how much times i argue with him to ask him back. When we go Melaka to sing, many thing happen. For knowing for around 4 years, i know he don't bring extra food for himself and even his sisters. i am right. After performance, I called his sister to call him to call me. I don't know why but i m sure i m scare to call him maybe i m afraid that i would hear the girl voice i think. I hate to see that girl is closer to him then i am. The first day in Melaka after the sideseeing, I asked him to come over to my room. I give him the present I bought for years but didn't give to him. and friendly speaking he sleep in the girl's room that night. My heart broke.

We went to Penang after that. All of us stay in the dormitory where all girls and guys sleep together. There is also a apartment provide for the parents. Most of us go to the apartment and have our bath because of the hot water provided. The girl's mother is there so she always go there turn out he got a lot of time to be alone. I have notice he is not happy since the day we arrive penang but I didn't say any thing as I know that i don't want to force him to tell me but willingly to let me know. Noon time, all of us were resting in the dormitory. His younger sister and me was laying there he join in after that. He ask me whether he can tell me any thing. I say is up to you. He say if he say i don't angry. He ask me to guess a four letter word. " about what " i ask. He say about he and that girl. ................... We went for dinner that night in the bus he sat alone. He was not smiling as usual, so i went to ' disturb ' him. He told me about the kiss they have but then the girl say sorry after that. I don't know what to talk to him because is very sensetive. So i say it might be a accident but he say that they kissed for 3 times. After dinner we went back, he was at the balcony alone i went talk to him again. He told me about he and that girl. I don't know how to answer him also. The following day is the day I take my PMR result which is not very good . Early morning I and the choir member go down to the beach so by 730 that morning I did the first morning call. I walk to his bed and saw that he is cold as his bed is near to the beach so I woke him up and ask him to sleep my bed. After that I went to bath while he and that girl walk down. They really look like a couple. Tim come over and ask for my result. I really understand he is concern but then I don't want to know yet. After when i know my result I cry and told Tim. He? He is not even concern. At that time I decide not to tell him. We go back to KL around 4 midnight that day.

At the same day afternoon my family and his family go camping together for christmas for 3 days. I can say that 3 days is the best memory I had at that time, the sweetest dream.

To Be Continued..............

What is love..?

I don't know what is the meaning of love la.. It is about being together or it is about how much a person understand you. For me i think love is just some one to understand each and other. When your hobby and have different interest with other partner you can't stay together for a long times because without common interest you won't have any thing to talk whenever we meet up. That is what i believes and because of that my relationship with my boyfriend never last long.