Saturday, March 22, 2008

to be continued... the love story ---- 2 ----

I remember that the first day I arrive there about 4 o clock. His father , his sister and he waited for us to show us the best food in town. The very first thing he say to me is I so scare you are not coming after I have told you about what happen between the girl and me. I told him that I don't mind because this time I come to enjoy. Besides I don't have the rights to be angry what as he is not my any body. They went to the camping area first while we are enjoying the meal as they say they need time to settle down and as the sky is going to rain.

He had one older brother and two younger sister. He is the second son in the family. The older brother is studying in Australia and had come back from holiday so I don't really know how was him at first but I would definitely say he is a very stupid person which don't even know the basic skill of living. I also know the two younger sister because we had meet each other for a few times and able to talk happily together. His other sister Sarah is able to communicate with me well is because we have a common topic that is our choir, Operafest. It started raining soon after we had arrive there. His brother and him help us to build up our first tent, but we did the second tent our self. I do think that is more successful and nice compared to the first one we all make together.

It was not raining heavily that night, small rain drops only so we all got to eat in the big tent that can at least ten person can fit in. I have stay in and only come out in my mother's order. We went out to do some bread for our parents. After that me and sister talking outside about him. I guess his soon join me and ask what are we talking about. We lie to him and say that we are saying Tim is my boyfriend. He say he don't believe but then we ask him why he can't answer. Actually I was hoping he will say I Love You. But then I think both of us is also scare to get hurt when we say something. Then I say I hug Tim I never hug you; I talk to him more than I talk to you; I tell him everything but I didn't tell you which make him quiet angry but he seems to believe. After we finish eating we went back to the tent because it was raining.

Wei Wen, Su Wen, Wei Xuan and I, is in the first tent together. The first night, Wei Wen parents is not there yet so we kids stay in one tent. Sara and him come to our tent but he left quiet early after playing a sets of cards, he say he will come back later but I pray for him not to come back. At first we plan to bath but then we don't dare because we meet a scorpion outside our tent. He went to bath at the resort with his brother. When he finish, he comes in to the tent and lay beside me which is actually on top. He ask me to lay on him but then I don't want. After that Wei Xuan want back the pillow to hug.

The next morning, we act like nothing happen, my father and his father wake us up but then we don't want to wake up because it was so cooling. By the time we get ready to go for the shower in the resort is already quiet late. They went up first and then we follow up but the funniest thing was our car tire stuck in the mud. As time pass he can't get the car out from the mud but he get deeper into the mud. At last, my mother and I have to walk out of the resort and ask for help from his family. After telling his dad, we come down because we need to tell my dad first.
After his father come down with him, his dad tried to put the car with his car but its don't seem to get deeper and deeper so we decide to give up and his dad pick us up with his car. I don't know why but I just don't want to sit in the car that he is in so I asked my mother walk out with me as the reason our leg got too much mug. My mother agreed. We went up to take our bath and go out with uncle's car but the car is not big enough so we got to take two round. After eating, we play mahjong in the resort while he and his brother watching movie. Not long later we went down to the camping area to prepare the dinner that we are having that night. That night I went to sleep with my parent because wei wen parent arrive already. That night was Christmas eve so all of them sleep quite late. When dinner is over, a few of us went and sit there.

haven finish... please wait... sorry...

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