Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Girl want only the guy's heart

When a guy say that he is not a good choice... Honestly is not him to judge but the girl that like him to judge as this will only known by the girl herself... Girl can only tell and feel the guy by the way the guy act... What a girl really want is the guy's true heart but not the look, the way he talk, or even all his bad habit... All it need is a sincere heart from the guy... and the girl will stay with you without any complain... To have a girl to love a guy just only need such a simply think... Why can't just the guy understand? The girl have do much enough to persuade him but y can't it just understand.? Girl will never judge any thing but the heart of the guy.


- _ - Brian - _ - BrotherBear - _ - BrotherHusky - _ - said...

And i shall nvr judge a girl by her looks either~~~nvr did nvr will~~~

Yun said...

who is tht guy ar?
why he sounds so stupid one?

hsiang said...

sum one la.. You also noe wan la...