Friday, June 13, 2008

Got lost in a jungle...

Sometimes relationship is not as easy as it seen. For a outsider, a couple might look very sweet but then no body will know the problem inside. The girl meet a guy and become a couple in a certain reason. They were very sweet and go out for date about four time. The girl really thought the guy fall for her while she is also falling for the guy. She remain with the guy for aboout a month. The guy was really very good and take care of her well untill the girl really like him already. But then they break after that due to the guy say got no feeling to the girl. The girl is unable to believe that the guy has no feeling to her but just for fun. She really believe in what ever he do is a act of caring for her. She really don't know what to do, whether to let the guy go as he don't want her already or to be eager on him make him fall for her???

1 comment:

- _ - Brian - _ - BrotherBear - _ - BrotherHusky - _ - said...

Feelings come and go like the wind...Sometimes it stays sometimes it a season changing...If he has said he does not love u anymore, just move on. As u always advice ppl wif the same problem...^^v

Dont worry be happy...=D
Your caring bro, Brother bear