Wednesday, October 22, 2008

tag by nok ling

The Self
[01] Real name : Tho Su Hsiang
[02] Nickname : A lot le... ah hsiang... su... dunno la...
[03] Married : Obviously no
[04] Zodiac Sign: Libra
[05] Gender: Female
[06] Age: 18
[07] High school: SMKSU
[08] College: UTAR
[09] Height: 149 only... hehe
[10] Weight: dunno la... dunno haven being checking it...
[11] Do you like yourself: Yes n No la...
[12] Piercing: No
[13] Right or left : already say never lo...
[14] Are you a freak: Dunno.. what you say??
[15] Hair: Black n a bit red i think
[16] Skin: Fair
[17] Allergic: No
[18] What are you doing now : answering the tag... hahahah
[19] What will you do 1 hour later : going home...
[20] What will you do 10 years later : I not the person hu noe bout the future la...

The Family
[21] Live with mother/father/parents: All
[22] Siblings(included you): 2
[23] Eldest: Me
[24] Youngest: sister
[25] Love/hate your family: KInd of love n hate... a mixed feeling...

The Love
[26] You found your another half: Nope not now
[27] If yes, who is he/she:
[28] If no, who you want he/she to be: ................ haha
[29] Time(s) you in relationship: many
[30] Ever woo boy/girl(0-100000): ...................... ya...
[31] Anyone woo you before(0-100000): ......................ya.....
[32] Did anything wrong to your other half:
[33] What was/were the wrong you had done:
[34] Ever argue with your other half:
[35] You with your other half since:
[36] Are you straight/Lesbo: Straight
[37] Reasons you love your other half:
[38] You and your other half in which stage:
[39] You woo he/she or he/she woo you:
[40] Ever think of marry he/she:

The Friends
[41] Your first best friend: Zhuan ming
[42] Your first enemy: No idea
[43] The friend you love the most(1 only): i luv every of my frens
[44] The enemy you hate the most(1 only): dun hv
[45] Your most beautiful girl friend: everyone is pretty
[46] Your most handsome boy friend: dunno
[47] The kind of girl you hate the most: depends
[48] The kind of boy you hate the most: depends
[49] You fall in love with your close friend before: yes... hehe
[50] Your best friend is your ex-lover: yes
[51] If your friend backstabbing you : dun care la...
[52] If your friend betray you: is up to that friend
[53] If your friend woo your lover: let it be la...
[54] If your friend fall in love with you: depends
[55] If you fall in love with your best friend: see how la...

The Studies
[56] Are you a good student: No
[57] You always done your homeworks/assignments: assignment must do... hw a... dunno la...[58] The teacher/tutor you love the most:
[59] Always late to school/college: now yes lo... hahah
[60] Your class: TB2
[61] You love your seniors: i dunno any senior also
[62] Seniors who you love the most:
[63] Your classmates good/bad: Good
[64] Excellent result classmate: all are good la...
[65] Laziest classmate: me!!! haha...
[66] Smart people:
[67] Stupid people: are we trying to build enemy among ourselve here??
[68] Good looking people: everyone
[69] Ugly people: are we trying to build enemy among ourselve here??
[70] Funny people: Someone wy will be the first man... hahahaha
[71] Cute people:
[72] Bad people: are we trying to build enemy among ourselve here??
[73] Honest people:
[74] Acting people:
[75] You are what kind of people: Is up to ppl to tell me

The Prefer
[76] Lip or eyes:..............
[77] Hugs or kisses: Hug
[78] Shorter or taller: Taller
[79] Hesitant or spontaneous: Spontaneous
[80] Nice stomach or nice arms: No idea
[81] Listener or Talker: Both
[82] Romantic or rich: Both....
[83] Good wife or good mother: hu will know what happen??
[84] Age to get marry: hu will know what happen??
[85] Numbers of kid(s): hu will know what happen??
[86] Career: as long as I like it
[87] Salary: the more the better
[88] Retirement age: hu will know what happen??
[89] Properties value: Dunno
[90] Wishes: hahaa...

The Victims
[91] Jia Wen
[92] Wei Yen
[93] GP
[94] Fish
[95] as long as you are fren you are be tag...


People who have been tagged must write their answers on their blogs and replace any question that they dislike with a new question formulated by themselves.

Tag 6 people to do this quiz and those who are tagged cannot refuse.These people must state who they were tagged by and cannot tag the person whom they were tagged by continue this game by sending it to other people

1. If your lover betrayed you, what will your reaction be? take revenge?
No. Will be sad that I have choosen the wrong person

2. If you can have a dream to come true, what would it be?
I will keep in mind myself... haha... secret

3. Whose butt would you like to kick?
Who do you think??

4. What would you do with a billion dollars?
depends on what thing I would want to do... Most likely ............ let my parent have a break...

5. Will you u fall in love with your best friend?

6. Which is more blessed, loving someone or being loved by someone?
Being loved by someone who i love (i have to agree with that)

7. How long do you intend to wait for someone you really love?

8. If the person you secretly like is already attached, what would you do?
I think I will let it go...

9. If you like to act with someone, who will it be? your gf/bf or an actress/actor?
if I do act onli say la...

10. Will you invite Ex bf/gf to your wedding dinner?
i think so...

11. How would you see yourself in ten years time.?
working hard to achieve my dream..

12. What's your fear?
i wont let you know how to attack me... heheeh

13. What's the first thing you do when you wake up?
Open my eyes.

14. Would you give all in a relationship?
my feeling lo...

15. If you fall in love with two people simultaneously, who would you pick?
both also I will let go...

16. Would you forgive and forget no matter how horrible a thing the someone has done?
i will try to forget...

17.Do you prefer being single or having a relationship?
both also got it benefits

18. If your girlfriend/boyfriend told u that she/he is actually a prince/princess, what will u do.?Be my slave.... haha

I want to tag

I lazy tag la... er... I dunno la... but i think Fish wan to do it

Monday, October 20, 2008

hehe (birthday)

Today is my birthday lo...~~~~ hehe... older a year d lo... haiz...

I receive two present from my uni friend today. Some thing sweet some thing nice. HEhe

1. a decoration thing ( dont know for where )
Shin Hui ( mayi)
Guet Peng
Wai Yun

2. The necklaces
Sin Wei
Shun Hui
Ming Kheng
Si ming
Kai Fu
Sheng Wang
Sze Teng
Nok Ling
Seng Eu
Jia Wen
Wei Yen
Jae Sen
You Yean
Zhen Hui

3. Lunch at Chili...
Seng Eu
Wei Yen
Jia Wen
Zhen Hui
Sze Teng
Jae Sen
You Yean
Nok Ling
Wei Hoong
Guet Peng
Shin Hui

but the cake i dont know who buy... ( mind telling me?? )
hehe... nice but no pictures... hehe
no group pic too... haiz

Thanks to the persons who buy the present and plan the lunch for me.. thanks... muax...

any way thanks to everyone who remember my birthday!!!! Hehe...

( PS: I realise that this post a lots of "hehe".... hehe... enjoy your day!!!! )

the opening ceremony

Ps: I suddenly realise that the date below the pictures are wrong already.... Mycamera fault... Supposed to be on the 26 September 2008, the open ceremony of the jeonju sori festival in Korea..( don't know whether I have the festival right or wrong. ) the name i mean

KOREA!!!- first day

Me my daughter and sister....
me n dear sister...
me n my two daughter... hehe... didn't know I so old d hor???

korea's fish n chip

A good picture to end the day!!!!

hehe... a lot of pic in Korea but I will later upload my family one too.. as all of us when together... will onli pick the first day n last day to post... hehe... all of us look very tired... hehe...

Friday, October 17, 2008

What I See

"slowly slowly, day by day, there will be a day u will give up, or suddenly u found out he/she cant hurt u anymore". XD
better face it den ran away~

I just saw the comment that one of my friend write to me.. I do think too that to be able to see someone you like is safe and health in front of you then what is the problem for not having the person as your lover?? I believe that if you really love that person you would rather that person is happy no matter that person is with you a not. Although the person you love might not show her smile to you or even the person who bring happiness to your love one is not yourself, but you will still feel happy as the person you love is have a happy ending. I can't say that it won't be any hurt in the wound the person had leave for you, you will feel pain but this will slowly recover as time pass.. It might be pain sometimes but it will be over... And one day you will realise that the person you love only is a sweet memory in your heart. I believe. Don't you think so??

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Don't you think is sweet???

agree or not????

"the worst way to to miss someone is when they are right beside you and yet you know can't have them"
Do you agree??? I think most of the people have to agree that even though you might work hard for a girl or even a guy to chase her or him because you like or love that person so much. It seriously don't means that the other person yyou like or love must also fall in love with you.
In a relationship there is nothing to force to like or must love someone but is whether there is feeling among the two person in the relationship.

Monday, October 13, 2008


Why do you always have to tag me???

1.) What is the relationship of you and her/him?
good sister

2.) Your 5 impressions towards her/him?
a. crazy
b. naughty
c. funny
d. good listener

3.) The most memorable things she/he had done for you.
push me for my study... Hahahaha..

4.) The most memorable things she/he have said to you.
lets be mad together.. I think

5.) If she/he become your lover, you will..
cant even imagine..

6.) If she/he become your enemy, you will....
i will kill her first then myself...

7.) If she/he become your lover, she/he has to improve on.....
is there any thing that she can do??? Siao...

8.) If she/he become your enemy, the reason is....
she is not her...

9.) The most desirable thing to do on her/him is?
bombing her...

10.) The overall impression of her/him is..
a bit siao...

11.) How do you think the people around you feel about you?

12.) The character of you for yourself is?

13.) What do you hate about yourself?

14.) The most ideal person you want to be is?

15.) For the people who care about you and like you, say something to them
If I don't have any feelings for them : Erm, go away!!
If I like that person too : i also...

Ten people to tag:
2. Agnes
3. WY
4. JW
5. HY
6. NL
7. ST
8. Serena
9. CY
10. SW

Who is no. 2 having a relationship with?
dunno...Go ask her

No. 3 a male or a female?

If no. 7 and no. 10 were together, would it be a good thing?
all girl la...

How about no. 5 and 8?

Is no. 4 single?
Nope... very stable... dun disturb

Say something about no. 6.
eager on thing she want...

Thursday, October 9, 2008

long time...

I know this two guys in the year of 2005. They are also old members like me but they stop for a while until 2005. They join.
We are all the bass singer for the choir and that is also what make us closer in the year of 2006 as in 2006 there is only three of us in the bass part. That year we went to South Africa. One of the guy is a guy that I have like for around 4 years and the other one was Ng, my best friend. Obviously I have tried hard to make the guy that I like like me, Ng help me a lots. He also help to push that guy to like me. At the end on his help we become a couple but didn't last for even a day. After that when I tell him we break, he was angry with that guy for not appreciating me. He ask for couple when we are back here. That is the time when I know he like me.
But till today only I found out that he have never leave me alone during our trip or even singing unless for certain family issue. No matter in taking picture or in helping me taking care one of the member which is so called my daughter, without complain he did it. And now "my daughter" have admitted him as her daddy.

Found out

Today I look back to the album that my choir and I went to the trip in South Africa to sing. I think that is the best memory I ever had with the person I have like for 4 years at least. We didn't last. Can you imagine that a guy you have like for years and finally asking for couple but just breaking up within one day??

But today I notice something that I don't know is I being blind for the years or is because my eyes only look at that guy that I like or even I am being sensetive. I notice that I have never notice that he is always beside me, helping me , protecting me. He have never leave me alone.

I don't know any thing but I thank him for taking care of me and also caring for me but I appreciate although is 2 years later I notice.

Thanks Ng