Friday, October 17, 2008

What I See

"slowly slowly, day by day, there will be a day u will give up, or suddenly u found out he/she cant hurt u anymore". XD
better face it den ran away~

I just saw the comment that one of my friend write to me.. I do think too that to be able to see someone you like is safe and health in front of you then what is the problem for not having the person as your lover?? I believe that if you really love that person you would rather that person is happy no matter that person is with you a not. Although the person you love might not show her smile to you or even the person who bring happiness to your love one is not yourself, but you will still feel happy as the person you love is have a happy ending. I can't say that it won't be any hurt in the wound the person had leave for you, you will feel pain but this will slowly recover as time pass.. It might be pain sometimes but it will be over... And one day you will realise that the person you love only is a sweet memory in your heart. I believe. Don't you think so??

1 comment:

- _ - Brian - _ - BrotherBear - _ - BrotherHusky - _ - said...

Hero name : Brother Bear
HP : 8000
MP : 5000
HP regen rate : 5HP per sec
MP regen : 10MP per sec

Soo as u can see my healing rate is slow...So as u put it, it needs time...but I'm happy to see that she is happy now^^ Unlike during the exams, when she was soo moody...

Being close but seeing her happy is good enough...though as u read i dun really like being avoided by friends...