Friday, May 28, 2010

Letter to Juliet

When I see this show trailer in the cinema the other day, so I tell Fish that we got to watch this movie somehow.

Tuesday that day we go JPJ to renew fish's lisence and congrats to her that she is finally not a P driver. Because we don't know where to renew lisence and we ask around and finally we found the building. Drove in, found a parking place and was about to go out of the car. Here coming a man and his friend I guess, opening his car door which I forgot what the car type with car plat number is sukom 953. He bang my car door with his car door, never apologise to me what he did and just walk off. HOnestly if my car got any thing I sure will get angry with that stupid person. Stupid person don't know how to open a car door don't drive la..

We after that go to Pyramid to watch Letter to Juliet. The story was Sophie Hall is a fact checker at the New Yorker magazine who dreams of becoming a writer. Sophie's fiance,Victor is about to open an italian restaurant. To celebrate, the two go on a "pre-honeymoon" to Verona, Italy. But in this trip, Victor seems more into finding the best wines and cheeses for his restaurant and hardly got time for him.

While he is out one day, Sophie goes sightseeing and comes across the house where Juliet Capulet supposed to lived and watches in awe as peoples gather to write letter to Juliet about their loves and post them on the wall of Juliet. Sophie write this in her journal,waiting for the closing time to see what becomes of the letters. A young Italian woman collect the letters,bring it to a restaurent where she meet three other women who reveal themselves to be the Juliet's secretaries which write back to each letter. The next day, when Sophie helps to collect the letters. A loosen brick falls,and behind it Sophie discovers it is 1957 letter written by Claire. Sophie decided to writes back.

A few days later, Charlie and his grandmother comes because Sophie responded his grandmother is now here to find her love. Although Sophie want to meet Claire but Charlie says no. But Sophie follow Charlie and meet Claire. There they start journey in looking for Claire's love, Lorenzo. After a long journey, Claire finally found her love. Sophie had leave for Victor while Claire tells Charlie "not to wait fifty years" before he discover Sophie is his love. Charlie chase but leaves after he see her hugging Victor.

Back to New York, Claire and Lorenzo's love story had beeen presented by Sophie and soon been published. She gets an invitation to their wedding. She breaks up with Victor and goes to the wedding. At the end of ceromony, she was hurt when she see that there is a woman besides Charlie is his girl friend. She hurry to the balcony, Charlie follows her. Sophie say she love him but tells him to go back to his girlfriend found out that "girlfriend" is just cousin. He admits he is in love with Sophie, climb up to kiss her like Romeo. Sophie rush and kiss him.
  1. Rating for this movie : 8/10
It was funny. Seeing to find the love one in 50 years later is not easy and after 50 years they are still loving each other. That place is a nice place and give hopes to people who just lose their love or got love problem. It is like so romantic.
For those who reveals themselves as the secrectaries of Juliet, I feel they are just too great to reply every single letter to the people who post their note to the wall. It is not a easy task, taking in more then a hundred letter in every day, write it back according to their situation and post it back to the person who wrote it.
Victor. I really can't imagine if he is my boyfriend. He should not long be. I hate those who don't care about gf and always leave the gf along to walk. Yes, private time yes. But not just dump people there and go happily.


As usual, today is the releasing day for the result. There is a lot of faces you can see, happiness and either a crying face. Looking at my result, I feel like crying. I really really did very badly. I don't know whether is it because I never work hard or I m just not in the mood.
Today I was at Master place when fish tell me that the result can be seen already. I quickly take my dad phone to check. My dad and sister was there with me, they were looking at me. So this time..
This time I swear to myself. I must work hard and do well in the next coming semester. Don't think too much and study hard. Don't emo d..
Gambateh!!! YOu can do it..

Thursday, May 27, 2010

three simply word

Just this three simply words, But i don't dare to ask. I always ask you, Where do I stand in your heart? Why do I always have to be the last person you should think of? Why is there I got to look for you instead you looking for me? Why do I care for you so much? I had been asking myself, all this question had been in my mind all the time. And honestly I don't know why and I also don't know what you can do to make me better? Maybe is because I m too used to be the princess who people take care of me, making me happpy or maybe I m asking from you too much?

I know you are like that when I first know you, but then you was much more better then you are now. You care more I mean much more about me. Is it because like what you say that you are very busy or like what I say that people normally don't appreciate that much when they get it already. I am not saying that I m not happy with you, but we already have too little time together which cause us into arguement.

You always say I think too much, you always listen to me, you always make me angry and laugh at the same time. Too many always till we forgot that we had just been argueing about a issue and start laughing, too used to it till we get into a arguement and just leave the problem hanging, or sometimes the problem is just not a problem also. But I know, sometimes getting angry with you is the best way to get your answer and reply.

I love you each day more and more but you find me getting more disturbing each day. I get angry of myself for loving you also sometimes, why are you so important? My temper getting worse and worse each day for being unsecure and honestly I hate the feeling. You are a guy who is a total different world from me, age gap, you ask the best out of yourself, got aim in what you are doing? But why me? I m very very curious that you choosen me and not to mention to lose you at this moment.

Is just 4 months, why are we becoming like that? Not sweet? Can it be better? Can it last?
I m really praying hard for it to last.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Lea Salonga

Lea Salonga born February 22 1971 is a Filipina singer and actress best known for her musical role in Miss Saigon, for which she won the Olivier, Tony, Drama Desk, Outer Critics and Theatre World Awards, the first to win various international awards for a single role. She was the first Asian to play Fantine in the musical Les Miserables on broadway and was the singing voice of Princess Jasmine from Aladdin (1992) and Mulan for Mulan (1998) and Mulan 2 (2004).

I always love Disney song so much especially Reflection because of the character, Mulan. Lea Salonga was the singer for this song. I went to this concert with the hope of wishing to hear this song. But the 2 hours performance that Lea Salonga done, I had no regret to go. All her songs that she sing is very powerful. She introduce the song before she sing. It gives the back ground in what she is singing.

New idol for me, Lea Salonga

Today I went to see this concert at KLCC - Lea Salonga.. She was very good singer that make me very impressed. Her voice was strong and beautiful. I can't believe it. The concert takes about 2 hours and she still sing well after the 2 hours. She is very humour and friendly if you ask me. The arrangement of song fits in quite well.

OMG!! I have a new idol.

I should post more about the concert in the next post since I need to sleep now. But I m too excited so no choic but to write something here first. Hehehe..

More pictures of the place in the next post I guess if I do find the cable.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

my mother

It been a long time ever since I blog about things in my blog.. But this time I really do want to write something.. My mother..
My mother had pass away in this February 2010. Just 2 days before Chinese New Year. I guess it had been the hardest new year for the family, we try to be nothing but deep down in the heart I know every of us miss her especially my dad who love her most in the heart. My parent was a very lovely couple that had just celebrated their 20 anniversary in 2008. They were very loving couple, you might not see it all the time but feel it very much.
My mother was a very indenpendent person, from my grandpa, my aunt, my uncle, my dad and even us she try her best to take care of us. There is no need to worry about her, but always she worrying about us till we actually forgot that her body or may be said health is not good. She had hided it so well because she don't like people looking at her like she is different. She had been very successful in life with a husband who love her very much, a sister who is very close to her, a father who might very love her but don't say out and two very naughty daughter.
Finally 2 years back, she found a boss that even look up to her capability and leave a lots of business decision for her to make. After so many boss who had problem with her, she appreciate a lot to work for the boss that she last work with. She actually work hard. I think she got no regret for the work she had choosen.
She had been a very good mother to me, a lot of things that you dun realise that she had done untill she had left us. She take care of all the house chores and our food to make sure we had a good meal. She put in patient in listening all the problem we had,everyone in the family. When she is around, we always take things like things supposed to be done this way, but this is all because she had been taking care of all of us so well. Is just that I don't realise and appreciate. She support in every thing we do, she always give advise when she think is not right, she comfort when we are not sure of something or angry about something.
Now she is not around already. Only I can say I realise how much I love her. I love her when she was around. But now when she is not around, I finally can see how much she had done to the family, all of us. I learn to appreciate my family more now.
Today 22 of May 2010 is my mother's hundred day. I look at her picture. What I can say and I hope she can hear is Mother, I miss you and thanks for being my mother that love me very much.
From my aunty
I miss her too! We had never apart for 45 years! Except when she went to UK to study.. After a year, she took me under her arm and we were together again in UK... We got 2 house side by dide with the purpose that we plan to take care of each other and when we retire, we can enjoy and relax our old age together.. But now it is just a dream..
NO doubt she has left physically, but to me she will always be with her.. Guilding us, frust with our stupidity, laugh at out nonsense.. Enjoying our company.. YAH!! I can feel her in me..