Thursday, May 27, 2010

three simply word

Just this three simply words, But i don't dare to ask. I always ask you, Where do I stand in your heart? Why do I always have to be the last person you should think of? Why is there I got to look for you instead you looking for me? Why do I care for you so much? I had been asking myself, all this question had been in my mind all the time. And honestly I don't know why and I also don't know what you can do to make me better? Maybe is because I m too used to be the princess who people take care of me, making me happpy or maybe I m asking from you too much?

I know you are like that when I first know you, but then you was much more better then you are now. You care more I mean much more about me. Is it because like what you say that you are very busy or like what I say that people normally don't appreciate that much when they get it already. I am not saying that I m not happy with you, but we already have too little time together which cause us into arguement.

You always say I think too much, you always listen to me, you always make me angry and laugh at the same time. Too many always till we forgot that we had just been argueing about a issue and start laughing, too used to it till we get into a arguement and just leave the problem hanging, or sometimes the problem is just not a problem also. But I know, sometimes getting angry with you is the best way to get your answer and reply.

I love you each day more and more but you find me getting more disturbing each day. I get angry of myself for loving you also sometimes, why are you so important? My temper getting worse and worse each day for being unsecure and honestly I hate the feeling. You are a guy who is a total different world from me, age gap, you ask the best out of yourself, got aim in what you are doing? But why me? I m very very curious that you choosen me and not to mention to lose you at this moment.

Is just 4 months, why are we becoming like that? Not sweet? Can it be better? Can it last?
I m really praying hard for it to last.

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