Friday, May 28, 2010

Letter to Juliet

When I see this show trailer in the cinema the other day, so I tell Fish that we got to watch this movie somehow.

Tuesday that day we go JPJ to renew fish's lisence and congrats to her that she is finally not a P driver. Because we don't know where to renew lisence and we ask around and finally we found the building. Drove in, found a parking place and was about to go out of the car. Here coming a man and his friend I guess, opening his car door which I forgot what the car type with car plat number is sukom 953. He bang my car door with his car door, never apologise to me what he did and just walk off. HOnestly if my car got any thing I sure will get angry with that stupid person. Stupid person don't know how to open a car door don't drive la..

We after that go to Pyramid to watch Letter to Juliet. The story was Sophie Hall is a fact checker at the New Yorker magazine who dreams of becoming a writer. Sophie's fiance,Victor is about to open an italian restaurant. To celebrate, the two go on a "pre-honeymoon" to Verona, Italy. But in this trip, Victor seems more into finding the best wines and cheeses for his restaurant and hardly got time for him.

While he is out one day, Sophie goes sightseeing and comes across the house where Juliet Capulet supposed to lived and watches in awe as peoples gather to write letter to Juliet about their loves and post them on the wall of Juliet. Sophie write this in her journal,waiting for the closing time to see what becomes of the letters. A young Italian woman collect the letters,bring it to a restaurent where she meet three other women who reveal themselves to be the Juliet's secretaries which write back to each letter. The next day, when Sophie helps to collect the letters. A loosen brick falls,and behind it Sophie discovers it is 1957 letter written by Claire. Sophie decided to writes back.

A few days later, Charlie and his grandmother comes because Sophie responded his grandmother is now here to find her love. Although Sophie want to meet Claire but Charlie says no. But Sophie follow Charlie and meet Claire. There they start journey in looking for Claire's love, Lorenzo. After a long journey, Claire finally found her love. Sophie had leave for Victor while Claire tells Charlie "not to wait fifty years" before he discover Sophie is his love. Charlie chase but leaves after he see her hugging Victor.

Back to New York, Claire and Lorenzo's love story had beeen presented by Sophie and soon been published. She gets an invitation to their wedding. She breaks up with Victor and goes to the wedding. At the end of ceromony, she was hurt when she see that there is a woman besides Charlie is his girl friend. She hurry to the balcony, Charlie follows her. Sophie say she love him but tells him to go back to his girlfriend found out that "girlfriend" is just cousin. He admits he is in love with Sophie, climb up to kiss her like Romeo. Sophie rush and kiss him.
  1. Rating for this movie : 8/10
It was funny. Seeing to find the love one in 50 years later is not easy and after 50 years they are still loving each other. That place is a nice place and give hopes to people who just lose their love or got love problem. It is like so romantic.
For those who reveals themselves as the secrectaries of Juliet, I feel they are just too great to reply every single letter to the people who post their note to the wall. It is not a easy task, taking in more then a hundred letter in every day, write it back according to their situation and post it back to the person who wrote it.
Victor. I really can't imagine if he is my boyfriend. He should not long be. I hate those who don't care about gf and always leave the gf along to walk. Yes, private time yes. But not just dump people there and go happily.

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