Saturday, May 22, 2010

my mother

It been a long time ever since I blog about things in my blog.. But this time I really do want to write something.. My mother..
My mother had pass away in this February 2010. Just 2 days before Chinese New Year. I guess it had been the hardest new year for the family, we try to be nothing but deep down in the heart I know every of us miss her especially my dad who love her most in the heart. My parent was a very lovely couple that had just celebrated their 20 anniversary in 2008. They were very loving couple, you might not see it all the time but feel it very much.
My mother was a very indenpendent person, from my grandpa, my aunt, my uncle, my dad and even us she try her best to take care of us. There is no need to worry about her, but always she worrying about us till we actually forgot that her body or may be said health is not good. She had hided it so well because she don't like people looking at her like she is different. She had been very successful in life with a husband who love her very much, a sister who is very close to her, a father who might very love her but don't say out and two very naughty daughter.
Finally 2 years back, she found a boss that even look up to her capability and leave a lots of business decision for her to make. After so many boss who had problem with her, she appreciate a lot to work for the boss that she last work with. She actually work hard. I think she got no regret for the work she had choosen.
She had been a very good mother to me, a lot of things that you dun realise that she had done untill she had left us. She take care of all the house chores and our food to make sure we had a good meal. She put in patient in listening all the problem we had,everyone in the family. When she is around, we always take things like things supposed to be done this way, but this is all because she had been taking care of all of us so well. Is just that I don't realise and appreciate. She support in every thing we do, she always give advise when she think is not right, she comfort when we are not sure of something or angry about something.
Now she is not around already. Only I can say I realise how much I love her. I love her when she was around. But now when she is not around, I finally can see how much she had done to the family, all of us. I learn to appreciate my family more now.
Today 22 of May 2010 is my mother's hundred day. I look at her picture. What I can say and I hope she can hear is Mother, I miss you and thanks for being my mother that love me very much.
From my aunty
I miss her too! We had never apart for 45 years! Except when she went to UK to study.. After a year, she took me under her arm and we were together again in UK... We got 2 house side by dide with the purpose that we plan to take care of each other and when we retire, we can enjoy and relax our old age together.. But now it is just a dream..
NO doubt she has left physically, but to me she will always be with her.. Guilding us, frust with our stupidity, laugh at out nonsense.. Enjoying our company.. YAH!! I can feel her in me..

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