Sunday, October 17, 2010

early birthday celebration with KFC

Without my mother,days seems so miserable for us a bit,we still continue is just that is no solution some time. My birthday is just round the corner,first time celebrating my birthday without my mother. 2010-10-20 and I m 20. What a nice number,but a number I would remember for life.

On thursday night,my dad brought me and my sister to eat KFC,for a short and small dinner birthday celebration for my coming birthday. Although is about one more week ahead,but then since I will be in Kampar for my birthday that day and there is no time else to celebrate with me.

KFC is my favourite. Although is short but I enjoy. Dad and my dear sister,thanks for being with me. It was our happy moment though we had no picture here. Hehe.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Short gathering & Birthday together

My birthday still went on,is a small gathering. This time we celebrate 3 person's birthday advance.

Michelle (my big cousin) 17 October
Me 20 October
My aunt (Ku PO)25 October

My family... Whole big family. Together we celebrate.

We went to Jaya Pallace. Very expensive looking place but as well with a very good looking price. Is a place worthy going,before talking about the food. The portion was not a lots,every one can take a bit which make people would like to eat more.

There is karoaok,being singer we did singing along. As usual singing through the whole night non stop making our night high.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Sammy Adventure, The Turtle

This movie I watched in Seremban with my wife and daughter.

A spectacular 3D animation of the wonderful adventures of Sammy the sea turtle searching the ocean for his one true love. Along the way, he dodges every possible danger and witnesses how humans are hurting the planet.

Sammy was a turtle that was born and was caught by the bird that eats little turtle, he was indeed the unlucky one for being one the aim,but he is also lucky as he split sand on to the bird eyes which make in accident the bird let go of him and bang through other bird which was also holding other new born turtle called Sally( I think). But he was left behind himselves and lose himselves with Sally while next month he meet Ray. Ray bringing him to the adventure that he had never been through,the best teen age memory. But life come apart when they were caught by the net of the human,Sammy this turtle actually live with the human where he was taken care properly and soon he was abardon.

Going back to the sea had bought him and Sally,his love one together where he once again become a hero save her life from a shark this time. Faith bring them together but separate them again where when they hand to hand start their adventure to the ais sea which they actually manage but was too much for a turtle because it was freezing for the turtle, still they manage to arrived there while looking for each other. YET, they didnt see each other, During the journey of looking for Sammy,human saves him from the frozen rescue him and release him, he meet back with Ray. Ray finally bring him a good news when he reach to Ray's partner house. Seeing someone else persenting a flower to Sally cause misunderstanding but finally... They are TOGETHER...

It was talking about like how turtle was born is how we start our journey,or may be how we pick our journey to be, thinking that we might not survive but through the hard work we actually are still alive. Lifes come to meeting lots of people that bring difference to your life, for example you might be a very quiet person, but when you mix with the noisy one you might find some thing that you never heard before or even experience before. Just like the movie where Sammy meets up with Ray.

Looking for the love one is not that easy,just like Sammy have been through all sea to look for his love one. They miss eash other every time,but yet for being not giving up give faith for them to finally meet up and be one of the happier one. So in real life,sometimes is always better to take a step ahead,no matter who you are. Because in what ever you do, is always is yours is yours,but without strength to continue,so what? I don't think they finally will be together. Is detemination and love bring them together? Don't they?

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Legend of the Guardian

Soren is a young adventurous Barn Owl who loves hearing stories from his father Noctus about the legend of the Guardians of Ga'Hoole, a legendary alliance of owls that are sworn to protect the Kingdom of Ga'Hoole. His younger sister Eglantine is enamoured by these stories, but their older brother, Kludd, is jealous of the attention Soren receives. One night, while branching, Soren and Kludd accidentally fall out of their tree. They are attacked by a tasmanian devil and then captured by owls working for the evil Metalbeak and his mate Nyra.

Soren meets Elf Owl Gylfie. Nyra arrives and makes a speech to the kidnapped owls, explaining that their families have abandoned them and that Metalbeak's "Pure Ones" are their new family. Metalbeak believes that Tytos are pure and strong, and deserve to rule. These owls are encourged to show strength and ruthlessness. Soren and Gylfie object, and are thus sent to be pickers. Kludd denies his brother, which pleases Nyra. He goes away with the Tytos.

The pickers are made to sleep under glare of a full moon, which Gylfie says will induce a sort of hypnotic state that she calls "moon-blinked". Soren and Gylfie help to keep one another awake to avoid this fate. As predicted, the moon-blinked owls are docile and zombie-like the next morning; Soren and Gylfie try to imitate the moon-blinked birds, but Grimble notices their strange behavior. The pickers are guided to the Pelletorium, where their labor consists of picking apart owl pellets in search of metal flecks which the mice had eaten before being consumed. Magnetic field which has a peculiar weakening effect on owls; they are therefore managed by bats, which are immune to the effect.

Soren and Gylfie make plans to escape, but their planning is interrupted by Grimble and they are marched off to his library. Grimble reveals that his family is held hostage against his good behavior, and he has been waiting for owlets clever enough to avoid being moon-blinked; he wishes to teach them to fly and send them to warn the Guardians of Ga'Hoole of Metalbeak's plans.

Meanwhile, Kludd and other various Tytos are being trained by Nyra. With Kludd's success in an aerial hunting exercise, Nyra suggests that he try to convince Soren to join the Pure Ones. Nyra and Kludd catch Grimble in the middle of a flying lesson, forcing Grimble to fight the Pure Ones to buy time for Soren and Gylfie to escape. Soren begs Kludd to come with them, but Kludd refuses and joins the fray on Nyra's side. While the Pure Ones kill Grimble, Soren and Gylfie are forced dive over the cliff's edge, and just barley escape through a small crack between two giant bolders.

Burrowing Owl called Digger and the Great Gray Owl Twilight, who considers himself a bard. They are unexpectedly reunited with Mrs. Plithiver, Soren's nest maid snake, who Twilight had captured as dinner. After hearing Soren's story, they agree to guide him to the Sea of Hoolemere, wherein lies the island of the Great Ga'Hoole Tree.

Kludd, under the orders of Nyra, brings Eglantine to St. Aegolious. They witness Metalbeak giving a speech to a large group of red-eyed Pure Ones. Eglanine is very frightened, and wants Kludd to bring her back home. Kludd tries to convince Eglanine that this is her new home now, but she still wishes to leave. Kludd chooses to make Eglantine a "picker". He tells her to sleep under the gaze of the full moon, moon blinking her.

Soren and his band are mobbed by crows on the way to the Sea, and nearly lose Twilight's lute, in which Mrs. Plithiver is riding. The battle brings them to the shore of the Sea of Hoolemere and the home of an Echidna mystic; the crows deliberately led them to the meeting so that the Echidna could give them their bearings to the Great Tree. Far out over the ocean, the group encounters a fierce hurricane, and their strength fails. As Digger falls toward the sea, he is rescued by a pair of enormous Snowy Owls with armored masks - the Guardians of Ga'hoole. They lead the band through the storm and to the Great Tree.

Digger's saviors are Boron and Barran, the king and the queen of the Tree. They and the ranking officers of Ga'hoole hear Soren's tale in council. The search-and-rescue squadron leader, Allomere, expresses doubts about Soren's story, but battle-scarred Ezylryb defends him and Boron eventually agrees to send a scouting party to St. Aegolious.

Soren and Gylfie's training begins. Ezylryb takes them out to learn how to "really fly", using a powerful storm to teach the young owls how to use the wind currents instead of fighting them. Soren briefly masters the technique of flying by instinct, though he loses control when he starts trying to think about what he's doing. After the lesson, Ezylryb brings Soren to his hollow to discuss the lesson. While there, Soren discovers that Ezylryb is in fact the legendary warrior Lyze of Kiel; the story of Lyze defeating Metalbeak had been one of Soren's favorite stories.
When Allomere and his soldiers arrive at Metalbeak's camp, they are ambushed by the Pure Ones and the energy of the metal flecks is used against them. Allomere barely escapes, carrying two moon-blinked owlets, one of whom is Eglantine. With this proof, the Guardians go to war. Soren reluctantly stays behind to watch over Eglantine, and is thirlled when she finally wakes up.

Eglantine awakens, and she tells Soren that Kludd gave her to Allomere to bring back; which means Kludd and Nyra had planned to ambush them. Soren and the band fly off to warn the Guardians against the trap and Allomere's treachery.When the Guardians arrive at St. Aegolious, they are drawn into a trap; Allomere peels off at the last moment and the Pure Ones unleash the power of the flecks against the Guardians, leaving the owls helplessly enervated on the ground.

Soren and the band arrive minutes too late, just as Metalbeak and Nyra send the bats to finish off the disabled Guardians. Soren hatches a hasty plan and sends Twilight, Digger and Gylfie to hold back the bats, Soren plunges into the buring forest fire, and scoops up some coals in a metal bucket. Meanwhile, Allomere reveals that he betrayed the Guardians based on Metalbeak's promise that Allomere would be the new king of the Tree, but Metalbeak betrays him and orders several bats to kill him, telling him that "there can be only one king."

Soren plunges into the flecks' magnetic field to drop the flaming pot on the mechanism which holds open the lids over the flecks; the fire burns through the ropes and the lids slam down, freeing the Guardians. With his plan disrupted, Metalbeak orders the Pure Ones into battle. Ezylryb and Metalbeak square off, as do Soren and Kludd. They both fly into a small tree, and are dangling over the fire. Kludd has the upper wing against Soren, eventually sending them both plummeting into the forest fire, but Kludd breaks his wing on a branch. Dangling over the flames, Soren tries to save him, as he tries to pull his leg up, Kludd tries to throw Soren into the fire. The attempt then breaks Kludd's branch, and he falls instead.

Grieving for his brother, Soren sees Metalbeak and Nyra attacking Ezylryb. He becomes angry, and flies off with a burning branch to attack him. Ezylryb is no match for both Metalbeak and Nyra. Soren arrives just in time to save his life and attacks Metalbeak with the burning branch. The veteran warlord easily overpowers Soren, but he grows overconfident and Soren accidently stabs Metalbeak with the flaming branch when he dives at Soren, killing him. A shocked Nyra retreats with the remaining Pure Ones.

They return to the Great Tree with all the owlets and Soren is greeted by Eglantine and his parents. Soren, Gylfie, Twilight and Digger are made Guardians of Ga'Hoole. In the epilogue, Soren reveals that Kludd's body was never found and Nyra is still out there with a contingent of Pure Ones, hinting at a sequel. Kludd is also shown looking at Metalbeak's body and mask, now with red eyes. The movie ends with Ezylryb and Soren going to fly into another storm.

I watch it with Dann today.

Well.. I definately is unable to write this story out so detailly. I copy it from the net instead. I find that the story was quite interesting, understanding the theory of working together gives a better strength to people,not by working alone. Each owl was given its own ability to become the guardian,believing in yourself is actually not that bad, believe in yourself that you can do fine following your heart. Not forgetting that who you are in no matter what you do, I find it quite important, in fact is a must to know who you are and never doubt what you can't do but just move on.

Is not just about being yourself but to learn how to use your ability in the correct place but not simply use. And don't even think of because other people is strong which make us a weaker one,but think that some thing that the other people don't have you have it. Jealousy is not that simple as I hate you that all, but it lead to people doing thing by losing control and might also kill yourself for it.

The owls was super cute. Adorable. I was being so high after the movie. I feeel like having a owl in a sudden. Ya,a bit stupid, but vvery cute looking. Not that I really want a owl but I love the animation. Hehe.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Penang (3 days 2 night)

Now... My semester break is ON!!! Yahoo....~~~~

I go to penang for my holiday.. This time along with Ka heng, Wai Lim, My Lao Po (Wendy) and my dearest sister (Svenni). Right after a day after my exam, we head to Penang from KL. I think we were a bit crazy. Kampar to KL, KL to Penang in 2 days time.

Our horse. Hehe. We are born in the year of horse. Me,Svenni,Wai Lim and Ka Heng
(Don't you think that 2 guys emo,2 girls smiling?)

Same in Kek Lok Si. But different people, My lao po,me,Wai Lim,Ka Heng.

Finally the one and only one group picture. Love it.

We leave KL about 9 sum thing after having breakfast in MCD. HAving the breakfast set,making noise in the car is normal among us. Sleep a bit. I drove, and I dunno why. Never mind, play that time every thing also can one. 3 hours to Penang pun boleh sampai. Kind of shocking. Was not driving too fast as I remember.

Check in to the Motel not hotel at Tanjung Tokong. Its called Sea wind if I m not mistaken. We go for Penang food. Yeah!! Lunch~~~ at gurney drive, the famous Kari fish head. We headed to the Toy Musuem after that,it was recommended by my friends, and they say is a MUST to visit. When I first heard about it, I thought it was something quite big. But when we reach to destination, OMG the place is so small. BUT! still there is a lots of toy inside, we had fun taking picture inside. Many Many toys that you can't even remember the name of the toy. Lilo & Stich, SpiderMan, Superman, Barbie, Harry Potter, Kung Fu Panda, Mickey Mouse, Lord of the rings and many more. Really can spend hours there just looking at the toys. The place was too compact making the toys so squeeze, a bit difficult to see.

We went to the temples but despite of the rain we are unable to see the place properly. We had just sit in the corridor chit chatting around untill we got so bored that we decided to head by to the motel to have a bath. Hot weather + rain weather making people even more sweaty. Back to the motel,our eyes were caught by the nice beach that was just in front of us. The 2 guys actually decided to go for the beach while we girls sit around the chair enjoying the sea breeze. Rain drops soon comes,we go back to the room and start taking our bath. Rain didn't stop, that night dinner at gurney drive was forced to be cancel. We went to cinema for a show after dinner at gurney plaza.

Kek Lok Si was our next stop the second day. The rain didn't let us go either. By the time we reach Kek Lok SI after breakfast it started raining again. We actually walk up and down 3 times to the same place as we were waiting for the rain to stop. Shopping at Kek Lok Si is the only place that you can have a cheaper rate for the things you buy,no matter is what. We take a lots of picture when we were up there. Tiring but happy. We got quite tired but at the same time we tasted the famous asam laksa from ayer item. Hehe. Ai ling,my dear coursemate specially came and look for us with her friend. We chit chat at the beach while walking, since like beach is a nice place to enchance our friendship but look like we feed the mosquito more.

Our night activity was supposed to be the War Musuem, we heard from other people that it is very scary,my wife and my sister was too scare,strungling the whole day as I was forcing them to go. But thing changes,when our dear friend,Ka heng fall asick and plan was again to be cancel. At the end, we head to Auto City which is out of Penang, is a place suggested by my course mate,Ai Ling due to she will be joining us with her BF. SO, There we go. And I actually invited my dear sister punya daddy, Zheng Hong to meet us there (I find that our relationship here is a bit messy, we are sisters but yet we had different father and missing mother, BUT who's care!! Leave it). We saw the lover bridge in Auto City,take picture there. I was being too high that day and I dunno why (Please for those who is there, I hope they forget.) But well.. my dearest wife went crazy and high with me,so called like husband like wife I think. Yam cha session continue after picture session. It last till 1 sum thing in the morning.

Well. Early day the next morning. OMG! I m a hero. 645am,time to get up. Wanted to go for Penang HIll early to avoid the sun and more time, but after breakfast we go there it was close for maintaince. WASTED LO!!! War musuem was our next choice,we were very scare of the place as in they mention that it was very scary. My dear friend Ka Heng actually scare me too. He hide behind the door,waiting for me to open and Wai Lim encourage me to open the door, though KaHeng is not all white but he was wearing a white shirt. I guess I did jump. I was looking for him before I open the door but didn't manage I was thinking that he walk so far down already. Walk around, this war musuem actually require us to climb up and down. Tiring but we manage. O ya, in here you can see the jail, observation point and also how they tortuse the people,horrible. I don't like it.

After that we went and get the Penang biscuit. Visited my uncle. Chat chat chat. Hehe. There we head back to KL. This trip was memorable. This is a memory that i will keep and appreciate for life.

29 September 2010 to 1 October 2010


  狄仁杰被召回洛阳晋见武则天,两人相对,感慨颇多:一个是当年桀傲不逊、几乎动摇自己权位的男子;一个是高高在上,让自己过了八年生不如死日子的女人…… 望着满面沧桑的狄仁杰,武则天特命他为钦差,协同大理寺彻查洛阳发生的焚尸案。也许此刻,只有全无官场包袱且智勇双全的狄仁杰,才能深入这诡谲阴谋的核心。

This movie was watch by me and my family.

I like this movie pretty much. At first I thought it show be boring,I was planning to sleep I guess due to I m not a pretty fan of Andy Lau. While my dad and my friends were commenting that the movie should be very nice. May be because that I was not putting so much hope on it, that why it gives me a big shock that I was quite impress with the flow of the movie. A movie that I would recommand I guess. Amazing move that impress me by the main actors of the movie, maked my eyes to keep open during the movie. Hehehe.

O.. I even told my dad that Andy Lau will be my idol for at least one hour that day. Hehe. Besides I think that the two main lady actress give me a feeling like they were related or kind of the younger and older version of the same person which I think is not true la. Haha.