Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Sammy Adventure, The Turtle

This movie I watched in Seremban with my wife and daughter.

A spectacular 3D animation of the wonderful adventures of Sammy the sea turtle searching the ocean for his one true love. Along the way, he dodges every possible danger and witnesses how humans are hurting the planet.

Sammy was a turtle that was born and was caught by the bird that eats little turtle, he was indeed the unlucky one for being one the aim,but he is also lucky as he split sand on to the bird eyes which make in accident the bird let go of him and bang through other bird which was also holding other new born turtle called Sally( I think). But he was left behind himselves and lose himselves with Sally while next month he meet Ray. Ray bringing him to the adventure that he had never been through,the best teen age memory. But life come apart when they were caught by the net of the human,Sammy this turtle actually live with the human where he was taken care properly and soon he was abardon.

Going back to the sea had bought him and Sally,his love one together where he once again become a hero save her life from a shark this time. Faith bring them together but separate them again where when they hand to hand start their adventure to the ais sea which they actually manage but was too much for a turtle because it was freezing for the turtle, still they manage to arrived there while looking for each other. YET, they didnt see each other, During the journey of looking for Sammy,human saves him from the frozen rescue him and release him, he meet back with Ray. Ray finally bring him a good news when he reach to Ray's partner house. Seeing someone else persenting a flower to Sally cause misunderstanding but finally... They are TOGETHER...

It was talking about like how turtle was born is how we start our journey,or may be how we pick our journey to be, thinking that we might not survive but through the hard work we actually are still alive. Lifes come to meeting lots of people that bring difference to your life, for example you might be a very quiet person, but when you mix with the noisy one you might find some thing that you never heard before or even experience before. Just like the movie where Sammy meets up with Ray.

Looking for the love one is not that easy,just like Sammy have been through all sea to look for his love one. They miss eash other every time,but yet for being not giving up give faith for them to finally meet up and be one of the happier one. So in real life,sometimes is always better to take a step ahead,no matter who you are. Because in what ever you do, is always is yours is yours,but without strength to continue,so what? I don't think they finally will be together. Is detemination and love bring them together? Don't they?

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