Wednesday, October 15, 2008

agree or not????

"the worst way to to miss someone is when they are right beside you and yet you know can't have them"
Do you agree??? I think most of the people have to agree that even though you might work hard for a girl or even a guy to chase her or him because you like or love that person so much. It seriously don't means that the other person yyou like or love must also fall in love with you.
In a relationship there is nothing to force to like or must love someone but is whether there is feeling among the two person in the relationship.


- _ - Brian - _ - BrotherBear - _ - BrotherHusky - _ - said...

I definitely AGREE with this....

Yun said...

no~ thts kinda not true~ XD
dun ask y~ lazy type! XD

uhm uhm... a little lar...
even i cant get...
by juz seeing her everyday edy enuf...

coz i knew, if i cant even see her, i know i'll be mad...

slowly slowly, day by day, there will be a day u will give up, or suddenly u found out he/she cant hurt u anymore. XD

better face it den ran away~

hsiang said...

hahaha... I got to agree with yun...
to be able to see the person you like is better then don't see her at all