Sunday, November 16, 2008

tag from svenni

1.) Do you think you're hot?
Yes! when there is no fan!!

2.) Upload your favourite picture of you!

3.) Why do you like that picture?
Because is all of my sister together!!!

4.) When was the last time you ate pizza?
A few weeks ago. Joe belanja. Haha!

5.) The last song you listen to?
i think is everyday

6.) What are you doing right now beside this?
seeing people's blog

7.) What name would you prefer beside yours?
i m very happy with my name!!

5 peoples to tag:
1. Wei Yen
2. Jia wen
3. Nok Ling
4. Agnes
5. Wai Yun

8.) Who is number one?
my dear and dearest friend who will always in the heart

9.) Number three is having a relationship with?
Someone. Why don't you ask her???

10.) Say something about number five?
er... a nice person

11.) How about number four?
my dearest now...

12.) Who is number two?
A nice friend and also dear

Fish how many time do you want to tag me???? make me have to tag people back?? so pai seh???............ Arrrgghhhhh!!!!!!
for those i tag...sorry sorry for tagging you!!! paiseh!!! Want scold scold fish....

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Try It...!!

试试吧~~~摘自《飞越青春》周刊 Copy from agnes's blog---autumn 秋... Hehe...


1. 你最想去的地方是:
A. 古堡 B. 森林 C. 湖泊 D. 度假村

A. 选择古堡的人,现在的人生缺乏成就感,很期待自己成功。
B. 自觉生活环境过分吵杂,想过独立自主的生活。
C. 有忧郁特质,认为现有问题无力解决。
D. 工作或学业压力很大,只想疯狂一下。

2. 到了伦敦后,爱好文化的你步入大英博物馆的殿堂,你发现英国人把百年来从世界各地偷来的东西真理的不错。若你只能看其中一种典藏,你会选哪一项?
A. 中国被窃的敦煌物 B. 埃及木乃伊 C. 希腊神殿

A. 正经八百的稳重型
B. 活泼可爱,逗你笑的怪家伙
C. 有文化气质的浪漫派

3. 肚子饿了,你买了一个汉堡,找到一棵苹果树并坐在树下吃午餐。忽然有一条毛虫掉下来,就在你身旁十公分处,你会:
A. 踩死它 B. 用树叶把它弄远 C. 不理它

A. 马上发泄
B. 借力使力解决问题,但有时候会过分压抑
C. 神经比水管还要粗

4. 你又走到伦敦最著名的海德公园。海德公园里自古有个传说,就是凡对英国政治有意见的人,都可以站在箱上演讲。你听到有人慷慨激昂地陈词,他讲的每个字你都听得懂,因为他讲的是中文!中国人跑到英国演讲干嘛?你会:
A. 逃走,觉得他是个疯子,他好丢脸 B. 围在他身边,听下去

A. 对新环境有排拒感,容易固步自封。
B. 很容易融入新的环境,乐在其中。

5. 四处闲逛,发现河的对岸有一个很漂亮的私人花园,门没关,但通往花园的小路上有[Private Road]的招牌,你会有一种想进去看一看的冲动吗?
A. 会 B. 不会

A. 会
B. 不会

6. 伦敦最热闹的购物街上,你想为情人买件毛衣,你想为他买哪种颜色?
A. 红 B. 白 C. 蓝 D. 紫

A. 热情
B. 纯洁
C. 责任感
D. 性幻想

7. 逛街累了,你在街角找到一条长椅,你会选哪一个位置?
A. 左边 B. 中间 C. 右边

A. 不太爱表现,不够积极,人家很难了解你的心意
B. 任性,一却以自我为中心
C. 随遇而安,有时太没个性或自信

8. 绿灯亮了,你走过马路,在斑马线中间遇到一个很熟悉的人正从对面走来,你会:
A. 跟着走到他的方向寒暄
B. 把他带到自己的方向聊天
C. 简单打招呼后分手

A. 低姿态,苦苦想求以挽回
B. 若是情人主动提出分手,你强迫对方说出不爱自己的理由,但无论如何不肯接受。因为在你的观念里,只有你可以甩人,没有别人可以甩你。
C. 不爱我就算了,天涯何处无芳草

9. 如果他曾经是你暗恋的对象,你会要求他留下联系方式吗?
A. 会 B.不会

A. 属于藕断丝连的类型,很容易跟旧情人死灰复燃
B. 绝情到底,一分手就最好死不相见挺有趣的,


Wednesday, November 12, 2008


- send my sis to class
- went to hospital
- go uni
- go 1u get present
- fetch my friend
- meet up old class mate
- yam cha
- go pick aunty
- go back hospital
- eat dinner
- fetch aunty home
- svenni house

Hahaha.... long day right??? Can you imagine how tired is it??
I meet up with my old class mate before i go to the place as he don't have transport. He started driving for me since he come in the car. After meeting with my friend, I got to rush to the hospital. So i ask him whether he can drive me a not, I was kind of tired to drive. So he follow along. We went to my aunt place and then went to pump petrol. I offer to drive to Pj as he don't know the way.

When we arrive the car park( actually wrong car park =.= scary, dark, omg) luckily i bring him along i say. He took over from there cause he say seeing me going up is the most dangerous thing as the place is narrow. My dad come finding us and bring us to the right car park.

When i was in the wad with my mum, he waited outside as he say he is paiseh. all my relative. HAhaha... i shy o... after visitng is already 10 pm but we haven't eat our dinner. So with my aunty and sis we went to have some food, on the way we pick one of our friend.

Then he take over all the driving till we arrive his house.

Hehe.... Thanks... Exhausted =.=

Ps: I arrived home at 12am...

Sunday, November 9, 2008

tag from agnes

1. When's the last time you did something you knew was wrong ?
I think every time...
I bet most of s always think that there is better solution then doing this?? right??

2. Did you date anyone last summer ?
All of us is always dating...
even girl and girl eat together can be consider as dating ma...

3. Do you hate being alone ?
but some times rather alone

4. Does a guy knows everything/mostly about you ?
er... ya...

5. Who was the last person you cried in front of ?
don't need to tell la... you know yourself enough d...

6. When was the last time you cried ?
that would be a long time secret

7. Do you drink tea ?
what kind of tea first??

8. Do you find the opposite sex confusing ?
when the relationship become different...

9. Do you have trouble deleting your text messages ?
Not really... I just delete la...
some times is a good thing to delete every thing... hehee

10. What hurts more ? To forgive someone's wrong doing or forget?
i think........... to forget some one else that have been good to you...
( m i out of topic??)

11. Is there something that reminds you of someone everytime you see/hear it?
obviously yes la...
hahaah... there is a lots of memory staying in our heart... no matter good or bad...

12. Do you trust all of your friends?
if the person I care for a lot

13. Do you think you can last in a relationship for three months ?
at the moment no...
think that i not mature enough...

14. Are you afraid of falling in love ?
but afraid to fall for the wrong person and unable to forget...
i think is consider afraid right?? ahahhaaha

15. Have you ever been nice to someone who treated you like crap ?
I think always...
as I believe in if you are sincere to some one the person will also too...

16. What is it you truly want now ?
a break...
feel tired now...

17. Would you kiss the last person you kissed again ?

18. Would your parents be mad if you were in a relationship ?
aiyah, as long as i take care of myself and don't affect any thing...
i think is ok

19. If you could cuddle with anyone right now, who will you pick ?
Hahahaaa.... mr pillow... Hahaaa...

20. Person you last sent text to ?
what are you asking for??

21. What were you up to at 11 pm last night ?
out..... yam cha...
thanks to one friend suddenly came down to my place..
must entertain... after kena from him a lot.. hehe

22. Plans for tomorrow ?
school school school.......
actually is uni uni uni...

23. What happened at 10 am today ?

24. How many hours did you sleep last night ?
er... not sure la..
you count la..
yesterday 2 am sleep today 8 am wake up...

25. Who you kissed today ?
i kiss the spoon.. when i drink the soup...

26. Are you in a good mood ?
Now?? not really...

27. If someone were to tell you that they like you right now, would you care??
if a guy i will try making that person don't like me
if a girl, i will say thanks ya... me like you too...

28. Do you smoke ?
on your guess

29. What do you hear right now ?
my sister playing wii game making noise with my dad...

30. Do you love someone right now ?
yes and no la...
but all my dears i definitely love you

31. Do you use smiley faces on the computer a lot ?
no la... don't even know where is that thing...

32. Do you wear glasses ?
yes and no la...

33. Whose the cutest person you know ?
i don't want have enemy le...

34. Are you there for your friends ?
I try to...
but please do consider me when you have problem la...
if not you would not know i be there for you...

35. When's the next time you will see the person you like ?
how i know what will happen in future...??
I not god

36. Do you get along with girls ?
depends.. not a lots of friends

37. Do you get 8 hrs sleep everyday ?
a pig need more then that

38. Who was the last person you ate with ?
my family

39. What's your favourite thing to spend on
novel... comic
(my close friends should know)

40. Are you mad about anything ?
at the moment no
Tell you when I know...

5 friends to tag :
1. wei yen
2. jia wen
3. nok ling
4. sin wei
5. guet peng


Monday, November 3, 2008

what a joke

Yesterday I have a chat with my first love's sister. When we talk about her brother, I suddenly realise that he didn't let his sister know that we have been a couple before. I like him for around three to four years. We couple. But yet....

We break for his reason that he don't want to be tie up by a girl. He want FREEDOM. I ask for a break. But to his closest sister he is still lying to her.

The sister ask me:" do you still like my brother?" "No" i answer. She say "you have like brother for years but yet you didnt get together before. Did you ever regret? " ( I only know that his sister didn't know. ) I say:" I have never regret but I feel I like the wrong guy as he don't even dare to tell you...(in my heart) that we have been together before.

From then till now, his sister been thinking that the brother have never been together with me and I have like him all the time. Only myself not him. What a joke!!!