Sunday, November 9, 2008

tag from agnes

1. When's the last time you did something you knew was wrong ?
I think every time...
I bet most of s always think that there is better solution then doing this?? right??

2. Did you date anyone last summer ?
All of us is always dating...
even girl and girl eat together can be consider as dating ma...

3. Do you hate being alone ?
but some times rather alone

4. Does a guy knows everything/mostly about you ?
er... ya...

5. Who was the last person you cried in front of ?
don't need to tell la... you know yourself enough d...

6. When was the last time you cried ?
that would be a long time secret

7. Do you drink tea ?
what kind of tea first??

8. Do you find the opposite sex confusing ?
when the relationship become different...

9. Do you have trouble deleting your text messages ?
Not really... I just delete la...
some times is a good thing to delete every thing... hehee

10. What hurts more ? To forgive someone's wrong doing or forget?
i think........... to forget some one else that have been good to you...
( m i out of topic??)

11. Is there something that reminds you of someone everytime you see/hear it?
obviously yes la...
hahaah... there is a lots of memory staying in our heart... no matter good or bad...

12. Do you trust all of your friends?
if the person I care for a lot

13. Do you think you can last in a relationship for three months ?
at the moment no...
think that i not mature enough...

14. Are you afraid of falling in love ?
but afraid to fall for the wrong person and unable to forget...
i think is consider afraid right?? ahahhaaha

15. Have you ever been nice to someone who treated you like crap ?
I think always...
as I believe in if you are sincere to some one the person will also too...

16. What is it you truly want now ?
a break...
feel tired now...

17. Would you kiss the last person you kissed again ?

18. Would your parents be mad if you were in a relationship ?
aiyah, as long as i take care of myself and don't affect any thing...
i think is ok

19. If you could cuddle with anyone right now, who will you pick ?
Hahahaaa.... mr pillow... Hahaaa...

20. Person you last sent text to ?
what are you asking for??

21. What were you up to at 11 pm last night ?
out..... yam cha...
thanks to one friend suddenly came down to my place..
must entertain... after kena from him a lot.. hehe

22. Plans for tomorrow ?
school school school.......
actually is uni uni uni...

23. What happened at 10 am today ?

24. How many hours did you sleep last night ?
er... not sure la..
you count la..
yesterday 2 am sleep today 8 am wake up...

25. Who you kissed today ?
i kiss the spoon.. when i drink the soup...

26. Are you in a good mood ?
Now?? not really...

27. If someone were to tell you that they like you right now, would you care??
if a guy i will try making that person don't like me
if a girl, i will say thanks ya... me like you too...

28. Do you smoke ?
on your guess

29. What do you hear right now ?
my sister playing wii game making noise with my dad...

30. Do you love someone right now ?
yes and no la...
but all my dears i definitely love you

31. Do you use smiley faces on the computer a lot ?
no la... don't even know where is that thing...

32. Do you wear glasses ?
yes and no la...

33. Whose the cutest person you know ?
i don't want have enemy le...

34. Are you there for your friends ?
I try to...
but please do consider me when you have problem la...
if not you would not know i be there for you...

35. When's the next time you will see the person you like ?
how i know what will happen in future...??
I not god

36. Do you get along with girls ?
depends.. not a lots of friends

37. Do you get 8 hrs sleep everyday ?
a pig need more then that

38. Who was the last person you ate with ?
my family

39. What's your favourite thing to spend on
novel... comic
(my close friends should know)

40. Are you mad about anything ?
at the moment no
Tell you when I know...

5 friends to tag :
1. wei yen
2. jia wen
3. nok ling
4. sin wei
5. guet peng


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