Sunday, November 16, 2008

tag from svenni

1.) Do you think you're hot?
Yes! when there is no fan!!

2.) Upload your favourite picture of you!

3.) Why do you like that picture?
Because is all of my sister together!!!

4.) When was the last time you ate pizza?
A few weeks ago. Joe belanja. Haha!

5.) The last song you listen to?
i think is everyday

6.) What are you doing right now beside this?
seeing people's blog

7.) What name would you prefer beside yours?
i m very happy with my name!!

5 peoples to tag:
1. Wei Yen
2. Jia wen
3. Nok Ling
4. Agnes
5. Wai Yun

8.) Who is number one?
my dear and dearest friend who will always in the heart

9.) Number three is having a relationship with?
Someone. Why don't you ask her???

10.) Say something about number five?
er... a nice person

11.) How about number four?
my dearest now...

12.) Who is number two?
A nice friend and also dear

Fish how many time do you want to tag me???? make me have to tag people back?? so pai seh???............ Arrrgghhhhh!!!!!!
for those i tag...sorry sorry for tagging you!!! paiseh!!! Want scold scold fish....

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