Wednesday, December 24, 2008

memory is nice when you are in love
but not after you break.

memory is nice when you are in love
but not after you have lose him

memory is nice when you are in love
but not nice when it tie you up

memory is nice when you are in love
but not when it makes you cry

memory is nice when you are in love
but not when it bring deeper hurts

memory is nice when you are in love
but not when it all over already

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

loving someone
deep down the heart
now only realize
too late
is impossible

wish i have never realize

tag from jia wen

1. The rules of the game get posted at the beginning.
2. Each player answers the questions about themselves.
3. At the end of the post the player then tags 5 people and posts their names, then goes to their blogs and leaves a comment, letting them know they got tagged and to ask them to play and read your blog.

Starting time: 4.31p.m.
Name: Tho Su Hsiang
Sisters: One
brothers: -
Shoe size: size 4
Height: 149cm
Where do you live: Kota Kemuning, Shah Alam.
Favourite drinks: depends
Favourite breakfast: depends on my stomach
Have you ever been on a plane: Yes
Fallen asleep in school: Yes
Sat by the phone all night waiting for someone to call: No
Saved e-mails: I don't even read my email sometimes
What is your room like: white wall, double decker bed.... and .............. a lots la...
What's right beside you: laptop handphone
What is the last thing you ate: chicken rice

Ever had
chicken pox: no
Sore throat: yes
Stitches: Nope.
Broken nose: Nope.
Do you believe in love at first sight: yes
Like picnics: No
Who was the last person
you danced with: dance partner for performance
Last made you smile: cy
You last yelled at : my sista
Kissed anyone: when??
Get sick: Not now.
Miss someone: depends
Best feeling in the world: when the person you love, loves u
Who do you really hate: Not yet
What time is it now: 4:37pm

Q: Is there a person who is on your mind right now: ya
Q: Do you have any siblings: ya
Q: Do you want children: not now
Q: Do you smile often: don't think so
Q: Do you like your hand-writing: no
Q: Are your toenails painted: no
Q: Whose bed other than yours would you rather sleep in: my parents
Q: What colour shirt are you wearing: white
Q: What were you doing at 7:00pm yesterday: performance.
Q: I can't wait till: Christmas Day. ????
Q: When did you cry last: sem 2
Q: Are you a friendly person: i don't think so
Q: Do you have any pets: yes

Did the last person you held hands with mean anything to you now?:??????

Do you sleep with the TV on? : yes

What are you doing right now? : Answering tag, yam cha.

Have you ever crawled through a window?: yes. when my father don't have the key to the new house

Can you handle the truth?: yes and no la... depends

Are you closer to your mother or father?: Both.

Who was the last person you cried in front of?: ................. a lots la...

How many people can you say you've really loved?: a lots. as long as i care for them

Do you eat healthy?: no

Do you still have pictures of you & your ex?: yes

Have you ever cried because of something someone said to you?: ya

How often do you go to church?: every year got to many different church

If you're having a bad day, who are you most likely to go to?: my friends and food

Are you loud or quiet most of the time?: I'm loud.

Are you confident? : Depends.

5 things I was doing 10 years ago..(1998)-
don't remember

5 things on my to-do list today:
eat.......... *5

5 snacks I enjoy:-
don't know

5 things I would do if I were a billionaire:
i) travel
ii) eat
iii) give a better life to my family
iv) make sure my family got the best
v) save money

5 of my bad habits:
i) Leave thing behind
ii) Swing the legs when I'm sitting.
iii) don't put dirty cloth in laudry
iv) Talk in a loud tone.
v) Mess up my room.

5 places I have lived in:
i) my house
ii) my old house
iii) friends house
iv) hotel
v) the host house

5 jobs I’ve had:
i) -
ii) -
iii) -
v) -

5 people i tag:
my sis (svenni)
guet peng
........................... i think other kena the tag d la......

Sunday, November 16, 2008

tag from svenni

1.) Do you think you're hot?
Yes! when there is no fan!!

2.) Upload your favourite picture of you!

3.) Why do you like that picture?
Because is all of my sister together!!!

4.) When was the last time you ate pizza?
A few weeks ago. Joe belanja. Haha!

5.) The last song you listen to?
i think is everyday

6.) What are you doing right now beside this?
seeing people's blog

7.) What name would you prefer beside yours?
i m very happy with my name!!

5 peoples to tag:
1. Wei Yen
2. Jia wen
3. Nok Ling
4. Agnes
5. Wai Yun

8.) Who is number one?
my dear and dearest friend who will always in the heart

9.) Number three is having a relationship with?
Someone. Why don't you ask her???

10.) Say something about number five?
er... a nice person

11.) How about number four?
my dearest now...

12.) Who is number two?
A nice friend and also dear

Fish how many time do you want to tag me???? make me have to tag people back?? so pai seh???............ Arrrgghhhhh!!!!!!
for those i tag...sorry sorry for tagging you!!! paiseh!!! Want scold scold fish....

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Try It...!!

试试吧~~~摘自《飞越青春》周刊 Copy from agnes's blog---autumn 秋... Hehe...


1. 你最想去的地方是:
A. 古堡 B. 森林 C. 湖泊 D. 度假村

A. 选择古堡的人,现在的人生缺乏成就感,很期待自己成功。
B. 自觉生活环境过分吵杂,想过独立自主的生活。
C. 有忧郁特质,认为现有问题无力解决。
D. 工作或学业压力很大,只想疯狂一下。

2. 到了伦敦后,爱好文化的你步入大英博物馆的殿堂,你发现英国人把百年来从世界各地偷来的东西真理的不错。若你只能看其中一种典藏,你会选哪一项?
A. 中国被窃的敦煌物 B. 埃及木乃伊 C. 希腊神殿

A. 正经八百的稳重型
B. 活泼可爱,逗你笑的怪家伙
C. 有文化气质的浪漫派

3. 肚子饿了,你买了一个汉堡,找到一棵苹果树并坐在树下吃午餐。忽然有一条毛虫掉下来,就在你身旁十公分处,你会:
A. 踩死它 B. 用树叶把它弄远 C. 不理它

A. 马上发泄
B. 借力使力解决问题,但有时候会过分压抑
C. 神经比水管还要粗

4. 你又走到伦敦最著名的海德公园。海德公园里自古有个传说,就是凡对英国政治有意见的人,都可以站在箱上演讲。你听到有人慷慨激昂地陈词,他讲的每个字你都听得懂,因为他讲的是中文!中国人跑到英国演讲干嘛?你会:
A. 逃走,觉得他是个疯子,他好丢脸 B. 围在他身边,听下去

A. 对新环境有排拒感,容易固步自封。
B. 很容易融入新的环境,乐在其中。

5. 四处闲逛,发现河的对岸有一个很漂亮的私人花园,门没关,但通往花园的小路上有[Private Road]的招牌,你会有一种想进去看一看的冲动吗?
A. 会 B. 不会

A. 会
B. 不会

6. 伦敦最热闹的购物街上,你想为情人买件毛衣,你想为他买哪种颜色?
A. 红 B. 白 C. 蓝 D. 紫

A. 热情
B. 纯洁
C. 责任感
D. 性幻想

7. 逛街累了,你在街角找到一条长椅,你会选哪一个位置?
A. 左边 B. 中间 C. 右边

A. 不太爱表现,不够积极,人家很难了解你的心意
B. 任性,一却以自我为中心
C. 随遇而安,有时太没个性或自信

8. 绿灯亮了,你走过马路,在斑马线中间遇到一个很熟悉的人正从对面走来,你会:
A. 跟着走到他的方向寒暄
B. 把他带到自己的方向聊天
C. 简单打招呼后分手

A. 低姿态,苦苦想求以挽回
B. 若是情人主动提出分手,你强迫对方说出不爱自己的理由,但无论如何不肯接受。因为在你的观念里,只有你可以甩人,没有别人可以甩你。
C. 不爱我就算了,天涯何处无芳草

9. 如果他曾经是你暗恋的对象,你会要求他留下联系方式吗?
A. 会 B.不会

A. 属于藕断丝连的类型,很容易跟旧情人死灰复燃
B. 绝情到底,一分手就最好死不相见挺有趣的,


Wednesday, November 12, 2008


- send my sis to class
- went to hospital
- go uni
- go 1u get present
- fetch my friend
- meet up old class mate
- yam cha
- go pick aunty
- go back hospital
- eat dinner
- fetch aunty home
- svenni house

Hahaha.... long day right??? Can you imagine how tired is it??
I meet up with my old class mate before i go to the place as he don't have transport. He started driving for me since he come in the car. After meeting with my friend, I got to rush to the hospital. So i ask him whether he can drive me a not, I was kind of tired to drive. So he follow along. We went to my aunt place and then went to pump petrol. I offer to drive to Pj as he don't know the way.

When we arrive the car park( actually wrong car park =.= scary, dark, omg) luckily i bring him along i say. He took over from there cause he say seeing me going up is the most dangerous thing as the place is narrow. My dad come finding us and bring us to the right car park.

When i was in the wad with my mum, he waited outside as he say he is paiseh. all my relative. HAhaha... i shy o... after visitng is already 10 pm but we haven't eat our dinner. So with my aunty and sis we went to have some food, on the way we pick one of our friend.

Then he take over all the driving till we arrive his house.

Hehe.... Thanks... Exhausted =.=

Ps: I arrived home at 12am...

Sunday, November 9, 2008

tag from agnes

1. When's the last time you did something you knew was wrong ?
I think every time...
I bet most of s always think that there is better solution then doing this?? right??

2. Did you date anyone last summer ?
All of us is always dating...
even girl and girl eat together can be consider as dating ma...

3. Do you hate being alone ?
but some times rather alone

4. Does a guy knows everything/mostly about you ?
er... ya...

5. Who was the last person you cried in front of ?
don't need to tell la... you know yourself enough d...

6. When was the last time you cried ?
that would be a long time secret

7. Do you drink tea ?
what kind of tea first??

8. Do you find the opposite sex confusing ?
when the relationship become different...

9. Do you have trouble deleting your text messages ?
Not really... I just delete la...
some times is a good thing to delete every thing... hehee

10. What hurts more ? To forgive someone's wrong doing or forget?
i think........... to forget some one else that have been good to you...
( m i out of topic??)

11. Is there something that reminds you of someone everytime you see/hear it?
obviously yes la...
hahaah... there is a lots of memory staying in our heart... no matter good or bad...

12. Do you trust all of your friends?
if the person I care for a lot

13. Do you think you can last in a relationship for three months ?
at the moment no...
think that i not mature enough...

14. Are you afraid of falling in love ?
but afraid to fall for the wrong person and unable to forget...
i think is consider afraid right?? ahahhaaha

15. Have you ever been nice to someone who treated you like crap ?
I think always...
as I believe in if you are sincere to some one the person will also too...

16. What is it you truly want now ?
a break...
feel tired now...

17. Would you kiss the last person you kissed again ?

18. Would your parents be mad if you were in a relationship ?
aiyah, as long as i take care of myself and don't affect any thing...
i think is ok

19. If you could cuddle with anyone right now, who will you pick ?
Hahahaaa.... mr pillow... Hahaaa...

20. Person you last sent text to ?
what are you asking for??

21. What were you up to at 11 pm last night ?
out..... yam cha...
thanks to one friend suddenly came down to my place..
must entertain... after kena from him a lot.. hehe

22. Plans for tomorrow ?
school school school.......
actually is uni uni uni...

23. What happened at 10 am today ?

24. How many hours did you sleep last night ?
er... not sure la..
you count la..
yesterday 2 am sleep today 8 am wake up...

25. Who you kissed today ?
i kiss the spoon.. when i drink the soup...

26. Are you in a good mood ?
Now?? not really...

27. If someone were to tell you that they like you right now, would you care??
if a guy i will try making that person don't like me
if a girl, i will say thanks ya... me like you too...

28. Do you smoke ?
on your guess

29. What do you hear right now ?
my sister playing wii game making noise with my dad...

30. Do you love someone right now ?
yes and no la...
but all my dears i definitely love you

31. Do you use smiley faces on the computer a lot ?
no la... don't even know where is that thing...

32. Do you wear glasses ?
yes and no la...

33. Whose the cutest person you know ?
i don't want have enemy le...

34. Are you there for your friends ?
I try to...
but please do consider me when you have problem la...
if not you would not know i be there for you...

35. When's the next time you will see the person you like ?
how i know what will happen in future...??
I not god

36. Do you get along with girls ?
depends.. not a lots of friends

37. Do you get 8 hrs sleep everyday ?
a pig need more then that

38. Who was the last person you ate with ?
my family

39. What's your favourite thing to spend on
novel... comic
(my close friends should know)

40. Are you mad about anything ?
at the moment no
Tell you when I know...

5 friends to tag :
1. wei yen
2. jia wen
3. nok ling
4. sin wei
5. guet peng


Monday, November 3, 2008

what a joke

Yesterday I have a chat with my first love's sister. When we talk about her brother, I suddenly realise that he didn't let his sister know that we have been a couple before. I like him for around three to four years. We couple. But yet....

We break for his reason that he don't want to be tie up by a girl. He want FREEDOM. I ask for a break. But to his closest sister he is still lying to her.

The sister ask me:" do you still like my brother?" "No" i answer. She say "you have like brother for years but yet you didnt get together before. Did you ever regret? " ( I only know that his sister didn't know. ) I say:" I have never regret but I feel I like the wrong guy as he don't even dare to tell you...(in my heart) that we have been together before.

From then till now, his sister been thinking that the brother have never been together with me and I have like him all the time. Only myself not him. What a joke!!!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

tag by nok ling

The Self
[01] Real name : Tho Su Hsiang
[02] Nickname : A lot le... ah hsiang... su... dunno la...
[03] Married : Obviously no
[04] Zodiac Sign: Libra
[05] Gender: Female
[06] Age: 18
[07] High school: SMKSU
[08] College: UTAR
[09] Height: 149 only... hehe
[10] Weight: dunno la... dunno haven being checking it...
[11] Do you like yourself: Yes n No la...
[12] Piercing: No
[13] Right or left : already say never lo...
[14] Are you a freak: Dunno.. what you say??
[15] Hair: Black n a bit red i think
[16] Skin: Fair
[17] Allergic: No
[18] What are you doing now : answering the tag... hahahah
[19] What will you do 1 hour later : going home...
[20] What will you do 10 years later : I not the person hu noe bout the future la...

The Family
[21] Live with mother/father/parents: All
[22] Siblings(included you): 2
[23] Eldest: Me
[24] Youngest: sister
[25] Love/hate your family: KInd of love n hate... a mixed feeling...

The Love
[26] You found your another half: Nope not now
[27] If yes, who is he/she:
[28] If no, who you want he/she to be: ................ haha
[29] Time(s) you in relationship: many
[30] Ever woo boy/girl(0-100000): ...................... ya...
[31] Anyone woo you before(0-100000): ......................ya.....
[32] Did anything wrong to your other half:
[33] What was/were the wrong you had done:
[34] Ever argue with your other half:
[35] You with your other half since:
[36] Are you straight/Lesbo: Straight
[37] Reasons you love your other half:
[38] You and your other half in which stage:
[39] You woo he/she or he/she woo you:
[40] Ever think of marry he/she:

The Friends
[41] Your first best friend: Zhuan ming
[42] Your first enemy: No idea
[43] The friend you love the most(1 only): i luv every of my frens
[44] The enemy you hate the most(1 only): dun hv
[45] Your most beautiful girl friend: everyone is pretty
[46] Your most handsome boy friend: dunno
[47] The kind of girl you hate the most: depends
[48] The kind of boy you hate the most: depends
[49] You fall in love with your close friend before: yes... hehe
[50] Your best friend is your ex-lover: yes
[51] If your friend backstabbing you : dun care la...
[52] If your friend betray you: is up to that friend
[53] If your friend woo your lover: let it be la...
[54] If your friend fall in love with you: depends
[55] If you fall in love with your best friend: see how la...

The Studies
[56] Are you a good student: No
[57] You always done your homeworks/assignments: assignment must do... hw a... dunno la...[58] The teacher/tutor you love the most:
[59] Always late to school/college: now yes lo... hahah
[60] Your class: TB2
[61] You love your seniors: i dunno any senior also
[62] Seniors who you love the most:
[63] Your classmates good/bad: Good
[64] Excellent result classmate: all are good la...
[65] Laziest classmate: me!!! haha...
[66] Smart people:
[67] Stupid people: are we trying to build enemy among ourselve here??
[68] Good looking people: everyone
[69] Ugly people: are we trying to build enemy among ourselve here??
[70] Funny people: Someone wy will be the first man... hahahaha
[71] Cute people:
[72] Bad people: are we trying to build enemy among ourselve here??
[73] Honest people:
[74] Acting people:
[75] You are what kind of people: Is up to ppl to tell me

The Prefer
[76] Lip or eyes:..............
[77] Hugs or kisses: Hug
[78] Shorter or taller: Taller
[79] Hesitant or spontaneous: Spontaneous
[80] Nice stomach or nice arms: No idea
[81] Listener or Talker: Both
[82] Romantic or rich: Both....
[83] Good wife or good mother: hu will know what happen??
[84] Age to get marry: hu will know what happen??
[85] Numbers of kid(s): hu will know what happen??
[86] Career: as long as I like it
[87] Salary: the more the better
[88] Retirement age: hu will know what happen??
[89] Properties value: Dunno
[90] Wishes: hahaa...

The Victims
[91] Jia Wen
[92] Wei Yen
[93] GP
[94] Fish
[95] as long as you are fren you are be tag...


People who have been tagged must write their answers on their blogs and replace any question that they dislike with a new question formulated by themselves.

Tag 6 people to do this quiz and those who are tagged cannot refuse.These people must state who they were tagged by and cannot tag the person whom they were tagged by continue this game by sending it to other people

1. If your lover betrayed you, what will your reaction be? take revenge?
No. Will be sad that I have choosen the wrong person

2. If you can have a dream to come true, what would it be?
I will keep in mind myself... haha... secret

3. Whose butt would you like to kick?
Who do you think??

4. What would you do with a billion dollars?
depends on what thing I would want to do... Most likely ............ let my parent have a break...

5. Will you u fall in love with your best friend?

6. Which is more blessed, loving someone or being loved by someone?
Being loved by someone who i love (i have to agree with that)

7. How long do you intend to wait for someone you really love?

8. If the person you secretly like is already attached, what would you do?
I think I will let it go...

9. If you like to act with someone, who will it be? your gf/bf or an actress/actor?
if I do act onli say la...

10. Will you invite Ex bf/gf to your wedding dinner?
i think so...

11. How would you see yourself in ten years time.?
working hard to achieve my dream..

12. What's your fear?
i wont let you know how to attack me... heheeh

13. What's the first thing you do when you wake up?
Open my eyes.

14. Would you give all in a relationship?
my feeling lo...

15. If you fall in love with two people simultaneously, who would you pick?
both also I will let go...

16. Would you forgive and forget no matter how horrible a thing the someone has done?
i will try to forget...

17.Do you prefer being single or having a relationship?
both also got it benefits

18. If your girlfriend/boyfriend told u that she/he is actually a prince/princess, what will u do.?Be my slave.... haha

I want to tag

I lazy tag la... er... I dunno la... but i think Fish wan to do it

Monday, October 20, 2008

hehe (birthday)

Today is my birthday lo...~~~~ hehe... older a year d lo... haiz...

I receive two present from my uni friend today. Some thing sweet some thing nice. HEhe

1. a decoration thing ( dont know for where )
Shin Hui ( mayi)
Guet Peng
Wai Yun

2. The necklaces
Sin Wei
Shun Hui
Ming Kheng
Si ming
Kai Fu
Sheng Wang
Sze Teng
Nok Ling
Seng Eu
Jia Wen
Wei Yen
Jae Sen
You Yean
Zhen Hui

3. Lunch at Chili...
Seng Eu
Wei Yen
Jia Wen
Zhen Hui
Sze Teng
Jae Sen
You Yean
Nok Ling
Wei Hoong
Guet Peng
Shin Hui

but the cake i dont know who buy... ( mind telling me?? )
hehe... nice but no pictures... hehe
no group pic too... haiz

Thanks to the persons who buy the present and plan the lunch for me.. thanks... muax...

any way thanks to everyone who remember my birthday!!!! Hehe...

( PS: I realise that this post a lots of "hehe".... hehe... enjoy your day!!!! )

the opening ceremony

Ps: I suddenly realise that the date below the pictures are wrong already.... Mycamera fault... Supposed to be on the 26 September 2008, the open ceremony of the jeonju sori festival in Korea..( don't know whether I have the festival right or wrong. ) the name i mean

KOREA!!!- first day

Me my daughter and sister....
me n dear sister...
me n my two daughter... hehe... didn't know I so old d hor???

korea's fish n chip

A good picture to end the day!!!!

hehe... a lot of pic in Korea but I will later upload my family one too.. as all of us when together... will onli pick the first day n last day to post... hehe... all of us look very tired... hehe...

Friday, October 17, 2008

What I See

"slowly slowly, day by day, there will be a day u will give up, or suddenly u found out he/she cant hurt u anymore". XD
better face it den ran away~

I just saw the comment that one of my friend write to me.. I do think too that to be able to see someone you like is safe and health in front of you then what is the problem for not having the person as your lover?? I believe that if you really love that person you would rather that person is happy no matter that person is with you a not. Although the person you love might not show her smile to you or even the person who bring happiness to your love one is not yourself, but you will still feel happy as the person you love is have a happy ending. I can't say that it won't be any hurt in the wound the person had leave for you, you will feel pain but this will slowly recover as time pass.. It might be pain sometimes but it will be over... And one day you will realise that the person you love only is a sweet memory in your heart. I believe. Don't you think so??

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Don't you think is sweet???

agree or not????

"the worst way to to miss someone is when they are right beside you and yet you know can't have them"
Do you agree??? I think most of the people have to agree that even though you might work hard for a girl or even a guy to chase her or him because you like or love that person so much. It seriously don't means that the other person yyou like or love must also fall in love with you.
In a relationship there is nothing to force to like or must love someone but is whether there is feeling among the two person in the relationship.

Monday, October 13, 2008


Why do you always have to tag me???

1.) What is the relationship of you and her/him?
good sister

2.) Your 5 impressions towards her/him?
a. crazy
b. naughty
c. funny
d. good listener

3.) The most memorable things she/he had done for you.
push me for my study... Hahahaha..

4.) The most memorable things she/he have said to you.
lets be mad together.. I think

5.) If she/he become your lover, you will..
cant even imagine..

6.) If she/he become your enemy, you will....
i will kill her first then myself...

7.) If she/he become your lover, she/he has to improve on.....
is there any thing that she can do??? Siao...

8.) If she/he become your enemy, the reason is....
she is not her...

9.) The most desirable thing to do on her/him is?
bombing her...

10.) The overall impression of her/him is..
a bit siao...

11.) How do you think the people around you feel about you?

12.) The character of you for yourself is?

13.) What do you hate about yourself?

14.) The most ideal person you want to be is?

15.) For the people who care about you and like you, say something to them
If I don't have any feelings for them : Erm, go away!!
If I like that person too : i also...

Ten people to tag:
2. Agnes
3. WY
4. JW
5. HY
6. NL
7. ST
8. Serena
9. CY
10. SW

Who is no. 2 having a relationship with?
dunno...Go ask her

No. 3 a male or a female?

If no. 7 and no. 10 were together, would it be a good thing?
all girl la...

How about no. 5 and 8?

Is no. 4 single?
Nope... very stable... dun disturb

Say something about no. 6.
eager on thing she want...

Thursday, October 9, 2008

long time...

I know this two guys in the year of 2005. They are also old members like me but they stop for a while until 2005. They join.
We are all the bass singer for the choir and that is also what make us closer in the year of 2006 as in 2006 there is only three of us in the bass part. That year we went to South Africa. One of the guy is a guy that I have like for around 4 years and the other one was Ng, my best friend. Obviously I have tried hard to make the guy that I like like me, Ng help me a lots. He also help to push that guy to like me. At the end on his help we become a couple but didn't last for even a day. After that when I tell him we break, he was angry with that guy for not appreciating me. He ask for couple when we are back here. That is the time when I know he like me.
But till today only I found out that he have never leave me alone during our trip or even singing unless for certain family issue. No matter in taking picture or in helping me taking care one of the member which is so called my daughter, without complain he did it. And now "my daughter" have admitted him as her daddy.

Found out

Today I look back to the album that my choir and I went to the trip in South Africa to sing. I think that is the best memory I ever had with the person I have like for 4 years at least. We didn't last. Can you imagine that a guy you have like for years and finally asking for couple but just breaking up within one day??

But today I notice something that I don't know is I being blind for the years or is because my eyes only look at that guy that I like or even I am being sensetive. I notice that I have never notice that he is always beside me, helping me , protecting me. He have never leave me alone.

I don't know any thing but I thank him for taking care of me and also caring for me but I appreciate although is 2 years later I notice.

Thanks Ng

Friday, September 12, 2008

friends and best friends

Friend: calls your parents by mr. and mrs.
Best friend: calls your parents dad and mom.

Friend: has never seen you cry
Best Friend: has always had the best shoulder to cry on

Friend: never asks for anything to eat or drink
Best friend: opens the fridge and makes herself at home

Friend: asks you to write down your number.
Best friend : they ask you for their number ( cuz they can't remember it)

Friend: borrows your stuff for a few days then gives it back
Best friend: has a closet full of your stuff

Friend: only knows a few things about you
Best friend: could write a biography on your life

Friend: will leave you behind if that is what the crowd is doing
Best friend: will always go with you

You know who you are right??

Friends Forever!


True a not?? IS up to you to judge... Please tell me how am i?? ok?? thanks...

他们与红酒,水晶杯,晚礼服,钢琴曲是那么的相得益彰,漫不经意的吸引着公众的眼光…… 几乎所有人都有这样一种印象: 天平座的人善意、可亲,爱交朋友。于是大家也由此认为天平是群居生物,必然是害怕独处,喜欢热闹的。 但,事实并不是表面看来那样简单。

的确,天平是个和平使者。在公众场合可以很好地调节气氛使之均衡。气氛热烈时,他们会沉静的压住阵脚;气氛冷凝时,他们会运用不着痕迹的轻松幽默化解坚冰。总之他们不会随波逐流去助长气氛的冷热,而是像用天平称量物品一样,加减砝码,使之维持水平状态。 而他们在做这种加减的时候,动作是优雅的,态度是和悦的,看起来漫不经心不动声色。实际上,他们是很有心计的人,尽管众口难调,也可以找到一种万全的方式来使全局和谐起来。 但是这并不是说他们喜欢主宰,只是因为他们看不得失衡,那会使他们如坐针毡。

因此,尽管慵懒的天平座讨厌麻烦,讨厌得要命,他们还是会不由自主地担负起调节的责任。也许正因如此,使得天平在公众场合从未放松过自己。性格使他们承担了不必要的责任,无可推卸。 他们不吝惜金钱,却吝惜自由的时间和安静的休闲时光。像所有风向星座一样,他们喜欢自由,喜欢像风一样谁也捉不住他。 他们喜欢自在独立的空间。就算你是他最好的朋友,也不要老和他粘在一起,你要知道他并不喜欢如此,尽管他不会直接说出来。你也得相信,你的天平座朋友也许半年也没有音信,但是只要一见面,你还是他最好的朋友。因为他就是这种交友方式,你拿他怎么办?

'我懒得……' 这是天平座的口头语。他们懒得出门,懒得聚会,懒得应酬……所以他们并不是很喜欢参加party。倒是宁愿呆在家里上网,看书,画画。他们自身是均衡的,一个人的均衡总比一群人的均衡来的容易。所以他们喜欢独处。



他们控制情绪的能力太强了。最亲近的人会感觉到,天平给人不露声色的隔离感,有时会被埋怨'太冷静了,我都不知道你在想什么!' 可是他们不是故意要隐瞒什么,只是出于本能。一个连自己都骗过了的人,你还能要求他对你坦白什么? 他们不喜欢歇斯底里,不喜欢痛哭失声,不喜欢安慰别人也不怎么喜欢被安慰。因为他们懂得,谁也无法真正理解另一个人。 天平,其实是很独立的一个星座。他们在霓虹灯影里微笑,在灯火阑珊处寂寞。他们叫你懂得:孤独的最高境界是繁华。

Thursday, September 11, 2008

I miss you

I miss you
from the bottom of my heart
do you still remember
how much fun
we have together

I miss you
from the bottom of myheart
do you still remember
how many thing
we did together

I miss you
from the bottom of myheart
do you still remember
how many place
we go together

I miss you
from the bottom of myheart
do you still remember
how many thing
we did together

I miss you
from the bottom of myheart
do you still remember
how many memory
we have together

I miss you
from the bottom of myheart
do you still remember
how many promise
you made??

I miss you
from the bottom of myheart
do you still remember
who m I??

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Tag by someone

1. The rules of the game get posted at the beginning.
2. Each player answers the questions about themselves.
3. At the end of the post the player then tags 5 people and posts their names, then goes to their blogs and leaves a comment, letting them know they got tagged and to ask them to play and read your blog.

Starting time: 0645p.m.
Name: Joy
Sister: Happy
Brother: I have two cat bro
Shoe size: around 4 i think
Height: 149
Where do you live: obviously in .........
Favourite drinks: Water.
Favourite breakfast: Food

Have you ever...
been on a plane :I m always there
swam in the ocean :i will die there man
fallen asleep in school :Yes. ALL the time.
broken someone's heart :Yes.
fell off your chair :Yes. No. Wait. Mentally or Physically?
sat by the phone all night waiting for someone to call : no. you dun call good night!!!
If not i CAll n scold
saved e-mails :Yes.
saved sms :Yes.

What is your room like?
Pink and cozy. My heaven.
What's right beside you?Air? Erm.. A fish
What is the last thing you ate?Food.

Ever had...
chicken pox :No.
sore throat :Yes.
got stitches :Yup. Nice tatoo
Do you...believe in love at first sight?YUP
Like picnics?OMG...
Who was the last danced with?A handsome "gal"
who made you smile?YOu la
you last yelled at?ERRRRR... YOu la

Today did you...
talk to someone you like? Dun have one at the moment
Like as in have a crush? ............
Like as in friends? ..............
kiss anyone? Kiss you a? can... 100 years later
talk to an ex? Obvioualy yes la...
Best feeling in the world? When I see something funny
Who do you really hate? any body
What time is it now? 0654 pm

Q: Is there a person who is on your mind right now?
A: Yes. you
Q: Do you have any siblings?
A: Yes. a lots man
Q: Do you want children?
A: wat are you askin for??
Q: Do you smile often?
A: only when i want
Q: Do you like your hand-writing?
A: Sometimes, Yes. I like someone else better
Q: Are your toenails painted?
A: No.
Q: Whose bed other than yours would you rather sleep in?
A: Er.. in the sky
Q: What colour shirt are you wearing?
A : pink i guess... colour blind la...
Q: What were you doing at 7:00pm yesterday?
A: How the hell i rememeber?! have fun with fish
Q: I can't wait till...
A : It happens.
Q: When did you cry last?
A : That day. you will know
Q: Are you a friendly person?
A: i don't towards you
Q: Do you have any pets?
A: tonnes
Q: Where is the person you have feelings for right now?
A: I am not a inspector
Q: Did the last person you held hands with mean anything to you now?
A: yes... all my deareast
Q: Do you sleep with the TV on?
A: heloo... dont waste electricity please
Q: What are you doing right now?
A: answering you la... NUT!!!
Q: Have you ever crawled through a window?
A: heloo... I am not a thief
Q: Can you handle the truth?
A: how the hell i know what you talking about??
Q: Who was the last person you cried in front of?
A: Cant remember la... Thank to you I stop
Q: How many people can you say you've really loved?
A: Quite a number. Alot actually
Q: Do you eat healthy?
A: nope.
Q: Do you still have pictures of you and your ex?
A: still think so...
Q: Have you ever cried because of something someone said to you?
A: Yes.
Q: How often do you go to church?
A: during christmas la...
Q: When you're having a bad day, who are you most likely to go to?
A: the fish
Q: Are you loud or quiet most of the time?
A: I m fierce... helooo
Q: Are you confident?
A: Sometimes.
Q: Do an impromptu?
A: unless something happen

5 things I was doing 10 years ago
STUPID question

5 things on my to-do list today
missing you
making you irrating
watching movie

5 snack i enjoy:

5 things I would do if I were a billionaire:
stupid thing
nothing better to do

Repeatations5 jobs I've had:
being a friend



Sunday, August 24, 2008

childlish and no sense..

I didn't know that now the parent can be so unreasonable as though as they are so big... Hey hello, you might be good in taking care of people but when it come to a class without the teacher sorry lo you are not that experience. My teacher leave it to me to train their dancing step then you should interrupt in all the time. You are a parent not a leader.
When I was busy, you come find me and say , I want the pianist number. I say wait. Didn't I? you shouted back to me and say NO, Now! Before I could answer you you already turn away and go get my phone. The worst thing you can even do is to shout at the children demanding for a phone which is only 8 years old. My sister get the phone from the girl and give you the number. What is so wrong about waiting for a while??
My dad was there, he come to talk to you and you show faces too. My dad ask her how can you touch my daughter's phone without permission? Her face turn. She started arguing with my dad and after that run to me and say I m a liar... what did I tell my dad? O please, what you want me to answer you? You have the intention to touch my phone if not you won't be shouting?
Any way she send sms every where to inform some parents. I m leaving t go practice now? Don't know what will happen man..? haiz...

Friday, August 8, 2008


I didn't do any thing well nowadays. I seriously do not know why. My exam worse till can not see, my assignment is also like a shit. I make every body suffer for nothing. My emotional harder to control compare to last time, I can go emo suddenly or even can laugh like shit for nothing in a sudden. Weird right??? Hahaahahah.... Even i think all my friends have problem with me, friendship problem tends to happen between me and my friends and seriously it affect me a lots. I think all friends that can be close to me must be very patient and wiling to understand me if not i think i will be very tired for not being my self. Hahahaha...

I feel thankful for some of my dear and darling as although they think that I m not good they accept in a nice way but thanks to them for being so understanding. One of my friend even told me "su hsiang, I rather tell it in front of you that I don't like the way you act" I agreee with her. I think I still need time to digest may be for a few days, but the feel won't be so hurt as I know that she is doing it for my good. Yes true I might not be happy but please do tell me as by doing that only I will know you don't like it but when people keep from me, I seriously can't help you!!!

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Wei Yen, Nok Ling, Sze Teng and Sheng Wang

For business assignment I am seriously very sorry!!! Because of my delay that cause us to score low and cause our presentation not to be organized at all that brings us the worst presentation that we could ever had!!!

NO matter what is my reason I would not say that I am not wrong because it is my duty to bring you all to present properly.


Tuesday, August 5, 2008

I did, I do and I will

If I never had met you, I wouldn't liked you. If I didn't like you, I will not love you. If I didn't love you, I wouldn't miss you....
But I DID, I DO and I WILL

Monday, August 4, 2008


I never had regret what I chase for? I clearly know what I want in a relationship and as long as I think is right I will start doing without bothering what is coming out next, or even what will happen in the end is not something I will bother at that moment. I will do what ever that appear in my heart, because in what I think to be able to work following the heart is very important. In what I think, i won't regret at the end of the day for not doing something that I wanted but move back because I think what will happening next that I might lose something. NO... I think that I will do what I think no matter is right or wrong because I won't want myself to regret after that.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008


I m seriously disappointed with the guy I like. I think he don't even realise that I m sick or may be even I didn't attend class also he don't know. Yesterday I was not feeling well, attended school in a very bad mood, tired and sleepy. My best friend was worried for me , make me feel very warm. Thanks to all of you, muax. But he?? The guy I care for don't even realise. I think.

Today I didn't attend class today at all. I also don't think he notice. Svenni(my sis), wei yen and sin wei (all my dear) sms or even call me to see what happen to me. But he...?? He do nothing. I feel like crying at this moment. But never mind. I m very very very disappointed.

( PS: Thanks my dear wei yen, and sin wei. Sis thanks you. Muax love you all...)

Monday, July 7, 2008

Open your heart!!!!!

I still believe in my heart that I love that guy from the bottom of my heart. To say honestly the best to forget about the old one and the person you love yet hurt you is to go make other people as your aim and like that other guy. You don't need to love the other guy, but please do put your heart with him until you think you can let go the old one that had already hurt you. I agree with this statement. Because as you put your concentration on the other one you will have no time to think of the person you had love before. But please don't find the guy that already love you very much as this will hurt them. Like is different from Love. I can like a few guys but only can Love one person as this will take at least 2/5 of the heart. So if people who is smart enough, please put all your aim in like but not love. As if the guy you wanted to love don't love you also you won't be so hurt as it is just a like before that almost arrived to love.....

Sunday, June 22, 2008

my heart

err... sum times when people like me and wanted to have me as their love or even willing to do any thing for me, seriously i really feel very touch from the bottom of my heart. But then they are not the one i wanted. May be there is a lots of people to love me, but seriously I only want one, the person i really wanted from the bottom of my heart and that's enough. I won't request for more. If my heart is with you there is no more point of finding other, because you are already the best for me in my eye. I cant change how my heart lead me to like you but if i really do is my fault as my heart have brought me a guy that doesn't love me.

Friday, June 13, 2008

Got lost in a jungle...

Sometimes relationship is not as easy as it seen. For a outsider, a couple might look very sweet but then no body will know the problem inside. The girl meet a guy and become a couple in a certain reason. They were very sweet and go out for date about four time. The girl really thought the guy fall for her while she is also falling for the guy. She remain with the guy for aboout a month. The guy was really very good and take care of her well untill the girl really like him already. But then they break after that due to the guy say got no feeling to the girl. The girl is unable to believe that the guy has no feeling to her but just for fun. She really believe in what ever he do is a act of caring for her. She really don't know what to do, whether to let the guy go as he don't want her already or to be eager on him make him fall for her???

Thursday, June 5, 2008


I am wondering
He is who I wan
But in his eye
I m not the one he want

I am wondering
who is the dream girl
he always wanted
Is she so special?

I am wondering
Am i that embrassing
He got to run from me?

I am wondering
if his heart
Have a space
For me?

I am wondering
what did I do wrong
till I get
nothing but hurt from him

I am wondering
If ever he love me
in the bottom of his heart?

badminton is like Love

Every thing started by a mistake as every thing is starting too fast. In only a few times badminton together , after the first time we play badminton besides know each other 3 day later for some reason we got together. That why.....we feel tense up i think. Now we are even more stranger just like I had never knew him in my life. I really hope that I didn't started the game together with him and all this wouldn't happen. I will still be the same like before. Our relationship is like a badminton game that we always play. Started fast and also ended fast!!! When the final comes, if we lose there is the end of all our relationship too but the opposite if we won the gameyou will get a whole world. Sometimes a badminton game is a game that is dangerous as it might also gamble the feeling.

Thursday, May 29, 2008

My best buddy, the queen

Friends, are not always the same seriously. By not studying together and a different enviroment will really affect the person to change till become a person you don't know? But this is only for half a year..not years we haven't been meeting. How can she change to be some one i really don't know? Where is my best buddy?

We know each other by badminton, same school but have never meet till we start joining the badminton club. She is a very nice person, very cute, innocent, understanding. We are so good till we can read each other mind without telling a single word...(seriously) She is one of my closer friend compared to others as we really enjoy most of the things together.

This year she study different school from me. We already make many deal that we want to do together and she always put it as the last. No matter how busy m I with my school work I will always attend the date we both set as one month date but she been missing it for at least once in few month time... I really don't know what happen to her. I really miss the old her... Please give me back... Thanks

I m but a small voice

I m but a small voice,
I m but a small dream
The fragrance of a flower
In the unpolluted air.
I m but a small voice
I m but a small dream
To smile upon the sun
But free to dance and sing
Be free to sing my song everywhere

Come your citizen of the world
We are one, we are one
Come your citizen of the world
We are one, we are one.
We have one hope
we have one dream and with one voice we sing
Peace, give us peace
Properity, propeity
And love for all man kind.
Peace, Give us Peace
Properity, properity
And love for all man kind.

I m but a small voice
I m buta small dream
To smile upon the sun
Be free to dance and sing
Be free to sing my song to everyone.


Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Girl want only the guy's heart

When a guy say that he is not a good choice... Honestly is not him to judge but the girl that like him to judge as this will only known by the girl herself... Girl can only tell and feel the guy by the way the guy act... What a girl really want is the guy's true heart but not the look, the way he talk, or even all his bad habit... All it need is a sincere heart from the guy... and the girl will stay with you without any complain... To have a girl to love a guy just only need such a simply think... Why can't just the guy understand? The girl have do much enough to persuade him but y can't it just understand.? Girl will never judge any thing but the heart of the guy.

Monday, May 26, 2008

a whole new world

i can show you the world
shinning, shimmering and spendid
tell me princess , now when did you last
let your heart decide

i can open your eye
take you wonder by wonder
over sideways and under
on a magic carpet ride

a whole new world
a new fantastic point of view
no one to tell us no
or where to go or say we are only dreaming

a whole new world
a dazzling place i never knew
but when i way up here
is crystal clear
that i m in a whole new world wit you

Thursday, May 1, 2008


爱不是占有, 你爱一个人,就要爱他原本的样子- 爱他的好,爱他的坏, 绝不能因为爱他而希望他变成自己希望的样子, 万一他变不成那你就不爱他了吗?真正爱上一个人是无法说出理由的, 你只知道无论何时何地 心情好坏,你希望他在你的身边陪着你。 真正的感情是两个人能在考验中相守。 感情是要付出的, 而不是只想获得。 分开是一种必然的考验, 如果你们的感情不稳固, 那只好认输。 真爱是不会变成恨的。

the moment together

wedding pic...

some kissing scene in "they kiss again"

Saturday, April 26, 2008

they kiss again

sweet right this picture? This is one of the series show i like. Not because of the actors but the story line. The love story between them, the misunderstanding, the hardwork do to chase the guy, how much the guy willing to do for the girl, the communication needed between them, how they solve the problem, how much the guy love her till it not easy to say out. This is something we cant find any more in reality. I m reallly jealous how much the girl can do just because she love that guy, which now a day no body will do any more. She really got what she wan for her eager although some times she is very stupid. hehehe. Hope to find someone like that and have such romantic story although it only happen in dream. Two series show they did is it started with a kiss ( i tink this one okok only) and they kiss again.

Friday, April 18, 2008

Real life and Shows

Sometimes in the story or movie you always get a good ending compared to real life. In real life there is no love in the first sight there is no fallling in love with each other but when it come to movie or series show it always comes into good ending. Now i m watching a series show, they kissed again, i really love the show. I think is every girl hope to get some one like that. Live happily ever after, love each other so much, solving all the misunderstand, love can win every problem. I very jerlous. I really feel this is the way to solve love and friendship or may be relationship between family. I do hope i can be so innocent like the main actress. But believe it you never get to be like that in real life because of all type of fact that you have to face.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008


The guys i had like before like few girls at the same time. I really wasted my time to wait for him thinking that he will look back at me. To say honestly he really did actually but then is only for a few hours though. I really do appreciate. The night before, he tell me he like few girls and dont know how to choose. I did promise to give him some time. The second day( the day we together) when i ask him about the 2 girls he say he have make a choice and he say he pick me. The next day he regret already he say he still difficult to make the decision as it is a difficult to make the type of choice. Peacefully both of us broke.

If you say that i am not angry i don't think any body will believe that as love might hurt some one deeply. so if you ask what i think now, I only hope that he will find some one he really like and get along with. Don't stand in the middle and block the way.

crazy already

i don't know why is so easy to get hurt in love. The more you care, the more you get hurt because you care for every move every word he say and do if he is not careful or don't care for your feeling will bring your feeling to a deeper pain. Sometimes is not easy to recover after getting hurt but then when you fall in love you really have no choice but to respect what the god have give you and feel the painess untill the god guve you other target. when their is some one ask me to forget some one you like very much and start new target right on the other day and if i am able to do it then it is not call fall in love with , but only can be classified as got good feeling or like only. To really fall in love is not easy to forget.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

cat that i had hate

ps : english might be broken... sorry cuz angry

i noe this stupid 'cat' after i had go to utar... To tell honestly to say that it is a cat also very good d cuz she is not consider a human if you ask me... haha.. i noe i m a bit too much but then i juz cant staand it.. it is the worst personi ever meet man.. never noe that it is ppl hu is so not responsible... not only that it never think of ppl feeling but also dun noe how to appreciate when ppl help it.. bagai kacang lupakan kulit u noe...? it can say we hurt her very much why cant i say she hurt all of us badly...? it think it is so great la.. SHIT la... if it is so great then i be the best person in the whole world.. yes, the dad love it so much so wad..? only it got dad la.. only child at home so wad...? in college i tell you la you r nothing.. one thing i muz say is onli it no how to cry meh...? i also noe la...juz that i dun cry simply cuz i m human ma... so great ma? cry dun solve prob.. act innocent is the only the cat will do la.. not us.. so leave it la.. acting innocent is onli making ppl hate it more... my cat if try to be innocent the first thing i going to do is whack it lo..

by the way everyone should noe hu i talking bout rite?

Saturday, March 22, 2008

to be continued... the love story ---- 2 ----

I remember that the first day I arrive there about 4 o clock. His father , his sister and he waited for us to show us the best food in town. The very first thing he say to me is I so scare you are not coming after I have told you about what happen between the girl and me. I told him that I don't mind because this time I come to enjoy. Besides I don't have the rights to be angry what as he is not my any body. They went to the camping area first while we are enjoying the meal as they say they need time to settle down and as the sky is going to rain.

He had one older brother and two younger sister. He is the second son in the family. The older brother is studying in Australia and had come back from holiday so I don't really know how was him at first but I would definitely say he is a very stupid person which don't even know the basic skill of living. I also know the two younger sister because we had meet each other for a few times and able to talk happily together. His other sister Sarah is able to communicate with me well is because we have a common topic that is our choir, Operafest. It started raining soon after we had arrive there. His brother and him help us to build up our first tent, but we did the second tent our self. I do think that is more successful and nice compared to the first one we all make together.

It was not raining heavily that night, small rain drops only so we all got to eat in the big tent that can at least ten person can fit in. I have stay in and only come out in my mother's order. We went out to do some bread for our parents. After that me and sister talking outside about him. I guess his soon join me and ask what are we talking about. We lie to him and say that we are saying Tim is my boyfriend. He say he don't believe but then we ask him why he can't answer. Actually I was hoping he will say I Love You. But then I think both of us is also scare to get hurt when we say something. Then I say I hug Tim I never hug you; I talk to him more than I talk to you; I tell him everything but I didn't tell you which make him quiet angry but he seems to believe. After we finish eating we went back to the tent because it was raining.

Wei Wen, Su Wen, Wei Xuan and I, is in the first tent together. The first night, Wei Wen parents is not there yet so we kids stay in one tent. Sara and him come to our tent but he left quiet early after playing a sets of cards, he say he will come back later but I pray for him not to come back. At first we plan to bath but then we don't dare because we meet a scorpion outside our tent. He went to bath at the resort with his brother. When he finish, he comes in to the tent and lay beside me which is actually on top. He ask me to lay on him but then I don't want. After that Wei Xuan want back the pillow to hug.

The next morning, we act like nothing happen, my father and his father wake us up but then we don't want to wake up because it was so cooling. By the time we get ready to go for the shower in the resort is already quiet late. They went up first and then we follow up but the funniest thing was our car tire stuck in the mud. As time pass he can't get the car out from the mud but he get deeper into the mud. At last, my mother and I have to walk out of the resort and ask for help from his family. After telling his dad, we come down because we need to tell my dad first.
After his father come down with him, his dad tried to put the car with his car but its don't seem to get deeper and deeper so we decide to give up and his dad pick us up with his car. I don't know why but I just don't want to sit in the car that he is in so I asked my mother walk out with me as the reason our leg got too much mug. My mother agreed. We went up to take our bath and go out with uncle's car but the car is not big enough so we got to take two round. After eating, we play mahjong in the resort while he and his brother watching movie. Not long later we went down to the camping area to prepare the dinner that we are having that night. That night I went to sleep with my parent because wei wen parent arrive already. That night was Christmas eve so all of them sleep quite late. When dinner is over, a few of us went and sit there.

haven finish... please wait... sorry...

Friday, March 21, 2008


If really loving some one is easy to recover then it is not love already. You wouldn't know how much the girl cried and how pain is her heart. What is other people rights to ask the girl not to hide from them? You also wouldn't know how much effect the girl had put in? And guess what? He like the girl is not you but is your good friend. What will you say? Even if the girl can face that guy then what about the best friend? Can the girl take like nothing happen? The girl don't want people to feel guitly either don't want people to feel pityful. She already have nothing. Can't you feel it? She would rather choose the person she like but then if this is what she gets. SHE WANT TO ACT STRONG AND DON'T WANT TO BE WEAK IN FRONT OF PEOPLE..Especially him. She can say that she love him more then she can say. But then what you want her to do?

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

hurting heart

I notice i feel weird what i need to find my own love.. I like one don't like like me either I m not their type or maybe timing a bit out...

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Love story. - one -

The guy I love so much but he is not even my one day boyfriend....

The story began as we are in the same choir. When we go to Montana, I was a very quite girl. I don't really talk with other people. So may be that is the reason he don't even know me. Don't know since when I was attracted by him and started to pay attention on this bright little guy. He is same age as me, but he has something that i don't have(a sense of joyfulness) He is a very polite guy. I think some of the girl also like him. Although he didn't see me because I m not that preety so my heart don't allow me to tell him. After Montana trip, many of the old member quit so our director got no choice but to train us up. He start to notice me although we still don't know each other well.

2005 is consider the best year I would say. It is can be the bigger improvement among both of us. but then in the end he still can't like me but other girl in the choir. He quit the choir few times when our music director scolded him badly. He comes back at the end. According to him the music director asked him to join back but then to his dad is I asked him to go back. Gods know how much times i argue with him to ask him back. When we go Melaka to sing, many thing happen. For knowing for around 4 years, i know he don't bring extra food for himself and even his sisters. i am right. After performance, I called his sister to call him to call me. I don't know why but i m sure i m scare to call him maybe i m afraid that i would hear the girl voice i think. I hate to see that girl is closer to him then i am. The first day in Melaka after the sideseeing, I asked him to come over to my room. I give him the present I bought for years but didn't give to him. and friendly speaking he sleep in the girl's room that night. My heart broke.

We went to Penang after that. All of us stay in the dormitory where all girls and guys sleep together. There is also a apartment provide for the parents. Most of us go to the apartment and have our bath because of the hot water provided. The girl's mother is there so she always go there turn out he got a lot of time to be alone. I have notice he is not happy since the day we arrive penang but I didn't say any thing as I know that i don't want to force him to tell me but willingly to let me know. Noon time, all of us were resting in the dormitory. His younger sister and me was laying there he join in after that. He ask me whether he can tell me any thing. I say is up to you. He say if he say i don't angry. He ask me to guess a four letter word. " about what " i ask. He say about he and that girl. ................... We went for dinner that night in the bus he sat alone. He was not smiling as usual, so i went to ' disturb ' him. He told me about the kiss they have but then the girl say sorry after that. I don't know what to talk to him because is very sensetive. So i say it might be a accident but he say that they kissed for 3 times. After dinner we went back, he was at the balcony alone i went talk to him again. He told me about he and that girl. I don't know how to answer him also. The following day is the day I take my PMR result which is not very good . Early morning I and the choir member go down to the beach so by 730 that morning I did the first morning call. I walk to his bed and saw that he is cold as his bed is near to the beach so I woke him up and ask him to sleep my bed. After that I went to bath while he and that girl walk down. They really look like a couple. Tim come over and ask for my result. I really understand he is concern but then I don't want to know yet. After when i know my result I cry and told Tim. He? He is not even concern. At that time I decide not to tell him. We go back to KL around 4 midnight that day.

At the same day afternoon my family and his family go camping together for christmas for 3 days. I can say that 3 days is the best memory I had at that time, the sweetest dream.

To Be Continued..............

What is love..?

I don't know what is the meaning of love la.. It is about being together or it is about how much a person understand you. For me i think love is just some one to understand each and other. When your hobby and have different interest with other partner you can't stay together for a long times because without common interest you won't have any thing to talk whenever we meet up. That is what i believes and because of that my relationship with my boyfriend never last long.